Everybody's workin' for this weekend...

If you go to heckasac.blogspot.com you can read about two must-see goings on this weekend.

Firstly is the "Decemberween" show happening somewhere this Friday (That attic place on 26th where the zombie/fetus movie set is located?). I kinda regret pussing out on doing James Taylor, but the second comment (and by "second" I mean "third") on heckasac is kinda why I bowed out (Is it really going to fucking happen?)

Secondly, there is a fantastic show with a completely solid line-up Satrurday evening:

Rock the Light
Westwind (featuring Virginia Weatherbee of SF)
The Megacools (Charles Albright's latest band, so you know it's going to be fun because Charles is a really funny guy. He is! He told me himself)

At the Distillery
6 bucks


werenotdeep said...

Um, correction, the THIRD comment, I think you mean, unless you chickened out because of Smitty's post about roasted coffee?

Unknown said...

dood Leon, you backed out way before any "is it gonna happen" stuff happened.

i am however, totally willing to buy that you got super fed up with James Taylor songs.

leon said...

You are both wrong.

I said "third" Chris. Read my blog again. This time open your eyes man!

Katy, this "is it gonna happen" stuff happened like the first week the show was mentioned. I kinda gave up because I kinda got sick of hearing James Taylor when learning the songs (which I KINDA regret) and I kinda gave up becuase I kinda didn't want to waste my time learning something I was kinda getting sick of if it wasn't going to happen.

I've been burned before. One year the Halloween show never even happened. This was after I learned all of the hits by Smashing Pumpkins and bought a bald cap from evangeline's.

Alice said...


i think we would have delivered a good performance. but yeah, those songs were taking a bit of work. maybe more work than we were willing to put in for something uncertain. especially if you had been burned before. that said, my hair has been really frizzy and big from the rain. so, i could have rocked a redheaded carole king look. maybe next year?

Unknown said...

what? the Halloween show just didn't happen one year?


no wonder you were iffy on it.

yay for this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Did Charles happen to mention how good looking he is when you talked to him?
