So a lot of you might think I'm silly for promoting these kind of things, but hey, they actually work. Just this Morning I got a reply about my letter concerning the broadcasting flag from U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein! (from her office, anyway)

Anyhow, this is also the type of mass-email tactic the conservative "right" uses to cause the FCC to go on witch hunts after national crisis(es), such as Janet Jackson's boob popping out on national television, so yeah pounding someone with the same email over and over again is pretty much the only way to get your voice heard around here, and it really doesn't take that much effort on your part to do it.

So without further adieu:

Dear Friend,

George Bush needs to lay out the facts about Iraq and his strategy to achieve military, political and economic success to bring our troops home. He needs to know this failure of leadership cannot continue.

Join me and tell George Bush: You can no longer mislead Congress and the American people. It's time for an Iraq success strategy that will bring our troops home. Join me by visiting:


I signed and you should too.


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