some more music I'm liking

I'm trying to figure out the taste in music of Vice magazine. They pretty much hated the new New Pornographers album for being "too white" sounding, which is a pretty damn good album by anyone's standards (one would think). Why do they even review an album they hate if that's the best description they can come up with? Then again Vice is the kind of magazine to call something "gay" as an insult, so I guess I can't take them too seriously.

I still haven't got around to pirating some of the artists Vice likes in order to see where they are coming from, music taste wise.

Pitchfork loves the album, but then again, everything Pitchfork loves, I usually hate ("usually" is the key word).

These two scenarios only make me want to "illegally" download stuff before I buy it even more.

Anyhow, I love the new NP album. Definitely their best to date. It's hella gay ass and white sounding, but I still like it.

Also, the new Of Montreal album is pretty dope...well the first half of the album is anyway. Of Montreal is pretty gay too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Twin Cinema is good, but I still think that Electric Version and the A.C. Newman CDs were better!