
Last weekend a bunch of us went camping not far away enough from civilization. I'd write about it, but Niki summed it up pretty well already on her uber-secret blog. Go ahead... Click it.... You know you want to.

Last night I had dinner with my mom at Maaloufs. I take back some things I said about them on Becky's blog, because I haven't experienced friendlier service in eons, and the food was amazing. We both got the same thing (stuffed grape leaves...the best I've ever had, Greek salad, and falafel). Afterwards I was feeling a bit like one of those grape leave, if you get my drift. To bad it's such a chore to get there during rush hour. I don't go to Maalouf's as often as I should, and when I do, I get the same thing every time. I think if I went more often I'd be a bit more brave. I just figure if I'm making my bi-annual trip, might as well get what I know is good, and I've been jonesing for a good falafel since jury duty, when I had nothing but poor substitutes at Juliana's kitchen and Crest Cafe. Juliana's does have some good qualities when it comes to there food and service, so don't get me wrong. It just pales in comparison. Crest Cafe on the other hand...STAY AWAY AT ALL COSTS!!!...When I think of that place, the words "instant" and "stale" come to mind, not to mention that stuff they call humus, which was more like hummus colored miracle whip. Nasty.

OK...off to Seattle I go. Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

beckler said...

Try the eggplant sandwich next time. You won't be sorry. Thanks for the super secret link (finally).