me hungry

i might go see some show tonight of some bands who everybody goes to see because hey are friends with the people in the bands. last night i went to see a friend's band at harlows, and let me tell you. they suck. the lead singer can't deal with the fact that he's going bald. he had been in hair bands from the late 80's through the late 90's. he's a blond dude who combs his hair forward to cover up his baldness, but he ain't foolin' anyone. he even took rogain and had hair transplants. his hair looks kind of sammy haygarish. just shave that shit off man! he is also used to being the front man in bands, but now his woman is the singer, but during the performance he tried everything he could to draw attention to himself: playing with the guitar pick between his teeth, getting up on the bass drum and jumping off to enhance a guitar strum, walking around the stage with his cordless guitar, getting up close and personal with other band members like he's cc devil from poison or something. maybe that's his way of having fun while playing music live, but he totally comes off dorky and embarrassing, like when you parents do something embarrassing in front of your friends. after the performance, he came up to me and all i could say was "rockin' set dude!". goddam, i can be such a b.s-er sometimes.

i'm starving. i only brought soup for lunch today and last time i did that, i about chewed my arm off at around 4:30 and i was tired and drained of all energy from the lack of nutrients in my system and ready to die but couldn't go home and get food because my carpool partner was busy working. i won't repeat the same mistake twice. maybe i'll get a salad to go with my soup. or a sandwich. aren't you glad you are reading this blog right now? i hope it has brightened your day.

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