i thought eddie van halen was supposed to die. WTF!

what's with all these "celebrities" dying this month:

johnny cash
john ritter
robert palmer (luckily not robert plant!) his last words were: "doctor, doctor, give me the news, I've got a bad case of ugh, arrrgh, erk, ooooh...."

some author dude
some musician dude

did i forget anybody?

and they're all dying of heart attacks. all too young to die.

gusto rocked my world last night. legendary (to fans of KDVS radio) DJ now bass player Todd Urick adds so much to that band that i couldn't even recognize some of their old hits until the hooks. i also highly recommend checking out his website for some of the funniest shit you'll ever read (and some of sadest shit too). i wish 20th Century FOX would hurry the fuck up and release "lazerboat: the movie". it'll make you laugh and cry.

good stuff.

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