all worried...for nuthin'

after talking to a former classmate of mine from UCD this weekend i became worried that i didn't officially graduate. "at last year's commencement ceremony, you and [so and so] were listed as graduate candidates. [so and so] looked into it and it turns out he didn't officially graduate because he didn't fill out the proper paperwork". man i was so freaked out. i never went to pick up my official graduation diploma since i figured it was just a piece of paper, and if anyone wanted to check my background, they would call the office of the registrar anyway. i assumed that since my student loans kicked in 6 months after my alleged graduation and i was in the alumni association, everything was kosher. well i was RIGHT!!! i just got of the phone with my former school and they said to come on down if i want to get my little piece of paper (or send them 20$ for shipping and handling). i think i'm going to go get it just so i don't ever second guess myself about graduating again.

*big sigh of relief*

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