Don't hold your wee, just have a bit of patience

Following words of advice from Axle Rose, I just decided to wait until I had that gut feeling, and it paid off! Sunday morning I could feel it. I could just sense that wii waiting for me at the Natomis Best Buy (the one that no one goes to), and I was right. AS soon as we pulled up, I saw store patrons walking out, wii in hand, so Niki shoved me out of the door and told me to get my butt in there while she found a parking space.

Lo and behold, I walked up to the first BB sales person and asked for it, and they had ONE LEFT! FOR MEEEEEE. They only had nine in stock that morning. I got the last one.

The rest of the weekend ruled: Friday night dinner at Maaloufs (Ira got to see his first belly dancer), killing at the 80's cover show, vegan dim-sum at Josh P's, Tim and Gerri buying Zelda's pizza for band practice.

and in the spirit of yelp: minus one star for missing the Canadian style birthday party.

our perpetual kitten (named mouse) waiting to play the new wii


Minmade said...

your cat is way too cute. Brad will forgive you for missing the party in exchange for a Wii competition.

Anonymous said...

woo! you got a wii! now all i need to get is a cute baby and we're close to being even!
