Nothing in particular.

So yesterday my work laptop's hard drive decided to die on me. I'm currently at my desk waiting for the IT guy to come by and replace it. I managed to get my computer up and running for the moment, but a lame laptop is the last thing I need right now.


Last night at band practice someone opened up a "can of worms". Luckily no one was injured...physically. I'm starting to feel guilty about being such a lazy slouch in the band, but I figure as long as I always show up, and on time, and contribute to the beer fund now and then, I'm still in good standing. I just need to get my own bass amp.

1 comment:

Alicia Patrice said...

hmm. daniel has some sort of amp he is going to be selling, but i don't know if it would work with a bass. i'll get the details and let you know...