
It's 3:30 am here in Germany. My plan is to stay up all night so I can have a head start on the time readjustment...you know.. cuz it'll be mother's day when I get back and all. Hopefully my boss will give me Monday off.

I want to go back here sometime and take a real vacation, but I had to see as much as I could in the time permitted. I need to come back!

I ate a lot of cheese here.

Highlights from my one day of sight seeing (Technically yesterday):

Hitting 118 mph on the autobahn!
I got freaked out after a while at that speed, but since traffic was still moving in front and behind, the feeling eventually morphed into a pure adrenaline rush. There was some crazy German song about "Skoobidoo" blasting on the radio at the time. I need to figure out what it was.

Tübingen (as pictured above), was one of the prettiest towns I've ever been to. It's existed for around for 2000 years and was untouched by the WWII bombings. There was an awesome farmers market going on while I was there and I picked up some schwäbische noodles so I can make (try to make) Käsespätzle when I get back. I should make it soon while my memory of how it's supposed to taste is fresh in my mind. The place was packed with little bakeries filled with warm, fresh breads and pastries. There was a neat little river going through the middle of town. Definitely a place I want to go back to.

On the way to Freiburg, I stopped in a little lake-side town in the Black Forrest called Titisee. It was small, nice, and I found a place that carried Rothaus beers on tap, and it happened to be lunch time! Titisee is where I did the majority of my knick-knack shopping.

Freiburg was pretty cool. Mainly a shopping area. It was fun to walk around and see some of the street performers (a lot of accordion players ;). They had trolley cars going all over the place.

The bad:

Stupid navigation system had me making some funky ass turns all over the place. At one point, it told me that the road I was driving on didn't exist. I think I broke multiple traffic laws en route to my destinations, but I got there, and I'm alive, so it's OK. Just don't make me late for my flight, stupid car!

They only have white dashed lines on the road, whether it's a one or two ways street. I almost learned the hard way (by narrowly escaping a head-on collision)

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm actually tired of beer. Multiple litres of beer for at least 4 nights strait did the job for me. I'll be drinking Martinis for the next few days instead.

That's it. I need some Mexican food in a bad way right now. I need to see my wife and kid. I'm dreading the flight home.

I worked while I was here, but I won't go into that (not much any readers here would be interested in)

See you all next week!

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