
Just a few hours after I arrived at my hotel in Böblingen it started raining..so I figured I'd kill some time online until the brauhaus down the street opens up.

The flight was actually one of the more pleasant international flights I've taken. Last time I flew with Lufthansa air, and they plied be with enough alcohol to forget I was packed like a sardine on their jet.

This time I flew Delta, who were stingy with the booze, but I actually had plenty of room to stretch my legs. It still didn't prevent my ass from hurting like a mo-fo during the home stretch of the flight.

Anyhoo.. See that C-class Mercedes Benz out there on the street? Yep, that's my rental car! I could either pay 10 bucks more a day for a nav system with my existing compact car, or upgrade to this car with a built in navigation system for the same weekly rate...duh!

It was my first time using one of those things, and I have a feeling the navigation system took me on the scenic rout. I don't think the standard trip to the hotel from the airport should involve getting on and off the Autobahn multiple times, going down some cobblestone ally, going through some nice countryside, making a U turn at the end of the street. I did start talking to my onboard computer lady "prepare to turn left in 400 meters" "OK..you got it" "turn left now" "OK OK whatever you say!" It seemed like I was going in circles, but I did eventually get to my destination. Hilarious.

I'm staying at the Hotel Böhler in the downtown area. People at work kept saying "Oh yeah..that place is sooooooooooooo German!!!" I wasn't sure what they were talking about, until I stepped inside, had to carry my bags up a flight of stairs to the tiny reception desk, where this older German guy was waiting for me with a smile. Once I got my room key, he showed me that they actually do have an elevator. You have to open this super tiny door and the elevator itself is literally a tube not much wider than one suitcase and one person. I thought it was just for the bags, but the guy insisted I ride up while he ran up the stairs to meet me. I guess you wouldn't find anything like it at a Hyatt or Holiday Inn, so maybe that's what people are talking about. Looks like they have an awesome breakfast that I’m sure to get well acquainted with.

After I took a shower, I quickly made my way outside in search for food. Kabob places are huge in Germany, and I found one right away, so that's where I ate. The place I found actually makes the pocket bread right then and there when you order you food! The veggie kabob I ordered was packed with veggies and feta cheese. It was soo good!

I walked around looking for a market or something, but most stores seemed to be closed. Sunday will be even worse. They take their day of rest seriously around here.


Minmade said...

Cooool! That Kabob sounds so good.

Ally said...

Very Cool, Leon. Take lots of pics & keep us posted. ~Ally D.