The Park vs. The Park


The other day Gerri asked me if I wanted to play a show at "the park". I was a bit thrown off, since every show we play seems to be either at Old I or FnG. I figured "new place, different crowd...why not? I'll play just about anywhere", so I agreed.

A few weeks later I was talking to someone and mentioned Baby Grand playing a show at "the park" this summer. The person I was talking to told me about how he and his friend got thrown out of "the park" for wearing tennis shoes (after eating dinner at Ma Jong's). Obviously we were talking about the same place called "the park". I was appalled. How could I play at a venue that would do such a thing? This is Sacramento godammit. We drink our Sacramento Treat (Miller High Life, ice, lemon) and dress however we want to in this town. This is gentrification turned elitism gone overboard! Fuck this shit man!!! Then I made a vow to myself to dress as inappropriately as possible when we play at "the park".

Then last night at band practice, while learning a new Go-Betweens cover, I looked on our band calender (yes..we are an organized band...you have to be when there are 7+ of you) and I saw that the date for playing "the park" said "Show at Cesar Chavez Park"...Ooooooohhh...THAT PARK!!!! OK....wheww!!

It will be this summer, so I'll remind everyone about it later.


Michael Jackson knows a good beer!

This weekend I had an amazing double hopped/bottle conditioned IPA, hand picked by Michael Jackson (not to mention the Hitachino Extra High hand picked and smuggled into the states by SM). Apparently MJ is the King of Beers as well as the King of Pop and he runs a rare-beer of the month club. Although I'm tempted to join, it's a bit out of my budget. Confused? Good!

Speaking of ale..I have sad news for all of us Sacramentans...the Nugget in Roseville kicks the Wessac location's butt in beer selection...plus it has a way more extensive deli. Either way, both Nuggets rule, but I'll have to stock up on my lunch breaks during the week before the weekend commences.


These are a few of my favorite podcasts

Since Niki posted her favorite podcasts, and so did the dude from boingboing.net, I thought I'd share some of my favorite podcasts that I listen to on the regular. Keep in mind that these are mostly shows that are originally broadcast on radio in one form or another, I just like to listen to them on my clock.

This American Life
Niki and I named our kid after the host. We like the TAL that much!

Radio Parallax
Based out of KDVS, Radio Parallax is hosted by Douglas Everett.
Radio Parallax* is a show covering topics in current events, politics, science, technology, history, satire, and whatever we damn well please. . Gotta love it.

Wait Wait Don't Tell Me
Really funny, if you don't mind Mo Rocca and Paula Poundstone every now and then. I want Carl Kasell to record a greeting for my answering machine!

Joe Frank
I used to listen to Joe Frank back in the day while driving a taxi late at night on the weekends. Very surreal and weird at times...right up my ally!

Brain Food
This is the only 100% pure podcast I listen to. It's mainly a science show about how every day things we take for granted work. Good for people who like to know the science behind everything, and done in a way that's accessible to just about everyone. It's hosted by a college student, so it never gets updated during finals and spring break. Whenever he does put up a show, it's of the highest quality. I bet he could get a radio show if he wanted to.



Last night's show was decently attended, especially for a Wednesday night. I assume it was scheduled on that day due to the touring band from Australia, the Zebras (who have ah guitar player named...Leon...who plays a Jaguar...not as handsome as the real Leon though).

Fun show. The Zebras were pretty cool. I didn't hear any stand out hits, but thought the encore performance by the non Leon guitar player was the best song in their set.

It was my first time setting foot in the Press Club since back in the day (I think I saw No Kill I or Nar). The inside has this cheesy metallic finish to it all, but the layout itself is pretty nice. I like where the stage is now. I don't know why there aren't more show there. I thought it was funny that you can buy a tall-boy of PBR for 3 bucks.

The restrooms were just plain nasty with the scent of 100 year-old urine. Also, the club doesn't allow women in the men's restroom..what's up with that dawg?



Hey guess what...my band is playing fucking again! tomorrow night at the press club!


On another note. I had an amazing sandwich at the new Roseville Nugget:
fresh baked ciabatta roll
fresh mozzarella
olive tamponade


"particulate matter"

That's the term for the day here in Sacramentoland. Keep your babies and puppies indoors or they'll die from toxic smoke inhalation.

If you don't mind a little permanent lung damage, come see baby grand tonight. We are selling a remix cd single for superduper cheap!


Memphis was great

And here are the pictures to prove it!

Although Memphis isn't all that culturally diverse, everybody was very friendly, and everybody likes to take their time. Also, in Memphis you can buy a Land Park style 3 story house for about the price of a cottage sized house in Oak Park. And sweet tea is really really sweet. And everyone says "ya'll".


I'm goin' to Memphis

I haven't given up on blogging. I've just been busy as a bee.

Anyhoo. Goin' to graceland this weekend.

later ya'll.


American Idol
Wonder Woman?

Usually I just like to watch the cringe-worthy auditions, and then I ignore American Idol for the rest of the season. It all just goes downhill from there, yet somehow I really got into it last season. Taylor Hicks was horrible, but a fun guy to watch, Kelly Pickler re-enforced every "dumb blond/hick" joke known to man, Chris Daughtry would crank it up a notch after all the boring-ass R&B ballads, and Catherine Mcphee was just plain bootylicous.

Not that surprisingly I'm already bored with this season of American Idol. While watching, I felt this and last weeks episodes would never end...even with tivo's fast forward button. Every contestant is pretty much unforgettable, and they (the voters) have been keeping some really bad singers while getting rid of some with actual talent, (not that I can remember any of their names). Paula Abdul's "yes man" feedback is just plain annoying (where's the drunk Paula I've grown to love?). And it's a sad sad day when Ryan Seacrest is the most entertaining person on the show (he can actually be pretty funny.. I think E! network is rubbing off on him).

I can't take it any more.