That really funny guy in the Megacools

That really funny guy in the Megacools
Originally uploaded by bugbiteme.

Just wanna give a shout out to midtown monthly for using my picture of C.A. (even thought they didn't bother giving me a shout out as contributing photographer...don't they know I have a huge ego that needs constant nurturing as an aspiring band photographer?)


Happy new year!

Resolutions that I'll try not to break for the '07

  • loose weight (duh)
  • become a better cook (and invite more people over for dinner)
  • hike 100 miles (I logged slightly under 80 in the 2006)
  • not drink coffee in all of January (I'm in detox mode)
  • make at least 10 gallons of beer (for when I get off of detox)
  • see more live shows.

Favorite albums of '06

  • Belle and Sebastian - The Life Persuit
  • Peter Bjorn and John - Writers Block
  • The Roots - Game Theory
  • J Dilla - The Shining
  • Love is All - Nine Times The Same Song
  • Pipas - Sorry Love

Top songs of 06' (this would make a great comp btw)

  • Television Personalities - My Dark Places
  • Love is All - Trying Way to Hard
  • J Dilla - Nothing Like this
  • Peter Bjorn and John - Young Folks
  • The Roots - Long Time
  • Long Blondes - Christmas is Cancelled (not sure if it's an '06 song)
  • Futureheads - Worry About it Later
  • caUSE co-MOTION - Which Way is Up?
  • Pipas - Riff Raff

I uploaded these songs for your listening enjoyment:

not too bad.


Unknown said...

happy new years to you and the little ones!

(thats Niki and Ira btw)

Anonymous said...

Now that I switched to blogger google, it won't let me post a comment under my name! Ugh.

Anyway...I will try this one more time. You should definitely cook more and have friends (me) over. Amanda and I take classes at the Co-op and you are welcome to join us.


Alicia Patrice said...

i would like to come over too.

btw, i hadn't forgotten about that shark radio thingie i was going to give you, but when i went to where i was sure it was stowed, i couldn't find it. lord only knows where it is now. but if i find it, i'll give it to you. sorry.