Finches show

The Finches sandwich was great last weekend. I could have done without the Mantles in the middle... the midddle...the the the...middle. Nice folks and all, but for me, live, they sound like a bunch of high-school kids just forming a band, who write songs while "jamming", but they are most likely in their mid/upper 20s, so I have no patience. Sorry.

Luckily the Finches were in full form, playing two sets and selling the new CD. I picked that up and the LP version of their last album which contains an extra song from the CD format, and a cool silk screen print hidden within'.

The Fools Foundation finally seemed to have gotten a clue about their lousy acoustics and put up some drapes around the perimeter to prevent the notorious echo...the notorious echo... notorious echo... echo... echo...

Next weekend will be a live show extravaganza. Knock Knock at Delta Venus and Sic Alps at Fools Foundation...all on Saturday. I bet I could catch both bands!

(sorry I've been up since 3:0am)

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