Pictures that look like porn but aren't porn

Go ahead and click on the thumbnail image here. It's perfectly safe for work. If you think this is funny, visit Galumpia for a whole gallery of images that look like porn but aren't

(link doesn't look safe for work, but it is)
via boingboing.net


Unknown said...

boingboing is the best.

Alice said...

i tried to click on the link and our blocking software said it was "adult content". blegh.

werenotdeep said...

Yeah, it's blocked here, too. The content filter just looks for certain words in the URL or the page info. Hell, I can't even view the Onion at work. Websense blocks what it calls "Alternative Journals". Hmmm...I can't help but think that that one's filtering nothing but "radical" thought. You can look at CNN or Fox News, just nothing funny or "subversive". Fascists.

leon said...

Well. You are probably better off. Although the website is safe-for-work, someone walking by your desk might get the wrong impression.

Anonymous said...

woah! maybe they'll take some of my knee porn???

Unknown said...

haha! i was trying to remember where that idea was familiar.

Heather, you so posted knee porn.