Dear Quiznos marketing genius,

Just the other day while driving past a site where a future Quiznos establishment is being built (on Alhambra and Broadway in sunny Sacramento CA), I had a moment of brilliance which caused me to come up with a new slogan and advertising idea for Quiznos.

It's a play on words, so it takes some, but not very much brain power.

Quiznos - "what you want"

OK, so that may seem bland at first, but it gets even more ingenious.

Say you have a mascot named Quiz who is a "know-it-all" or a "fortune teller" (you could have an artist come up with a new character, or maybe have one of the singing hamsters, or that baby with the man's voice be the character named "Quiz").

The know-it-all could be a somewhat annoying, yet loveable character who thinks he or she knows the answer to everything (somewhat like "comic book guy" from The Simpsons), yet in reality, Quiz gets all the facts messed up. Quiz will say funny things like "Did you know Abraham Lincoln was the fifth president? That's why he's on the five dollar bill!" and you could have another character ague with Quiz and respond "Ummm...no... Lincoln was the sixteenth president..." and they could go back and forth like that until the announcer in the commercial states "Quiz knows what you want". (Quiznos...What you want).

Another idea is that the character Quiz could be a psychic who tries to tell people their fortunes, but never gets it quite right, whether it be some far-fetched idea, or something impossible (like telling an amputee that he or she will grow arms, or something a bit more politically correct), and towards the end of the commercial Quiz will allude to something more feasible: "You are going to eat some food today at around noon...I'm seeing a toasty concoction of meat and cheese..." and the person getting the fortune from Quiz the fortune teller will look amazed and say something like "wow! How did you know?!?!? I am heading over to Quiznos at lunch today!"....Quiznos...what you want.

Just a portion of many brilliant ideas of mine. Let me know if you are interested in using some of them.

Kind regards,
Leon Levy


Anonymous said...



Unknown said...

look out Niki, i think he's trying to corner your market.

beckler said...

i think he already cornered niki's market awhile ago-heh heh

werenotdeep said...

No no no, Suresh! That's Guinness' catch phrase! That would be copywright infringement!

Leon, I almost peed my pants at the part about the amputee.