Why do I do this to myself, and why am I having Deja vu right now?

Every time, without fail, after eating Indian food for lunch, all I can think about the rest of the day is going home and sleeping, but the Paneer Tikka Masala I had was worth it.

From Niki's Super Secret Blog:

If Sacramento could talk it would say: "Seriously guys, don't act all surprised or anything. It's July and in this town it gets hot. So I would appreciate it if you would just lay off the whole cursing the weather thing because I can't do a damn thing about it with out my flaky friend The Delta Breeze. Dude! Where has she been? She left a few days ago to go get a pack of smokes and she doesn't come back? WTF?"


Unknown said...

agreed Niki.

see? your blog is brilliant!

Anonymous said...

niki is genius with the words.
where's the bloggins?!