Sorry. I'm not whining/praising today like normal...just stating the facts for historic preservation...and I haven't had any decent coffee today.

Here are more pics from Frenchmen Day (which was July 6 2005)

What a good show. Every once and a while I think the Frenchmen should just be done with it, but we have too much goddamn fun. 10 years from now we'll be peforming the same 12-songs-in-20-minutes set at Cache Creek Indian Gaming Casino, and even though He'll have to drag an oxygen tank around with him, and be using a Rascal to get from point A to B, we'll make Scott join in with "Frantic Romantic".

Bunnygrunt was St. Louis's answer to the Frenchmen. They rocked the spot, despite my skepticism. I think I even saw Rick Ele rockin' out to them. Who knew he liked songs with melody!?!?!

Gregory Webster was amazing, playing all the Sportique/Razorcuts hits.

Friday we went down to SF to see Gregory play again (this time without Amy) at the 3rd (or 4th) biannual popfest. I just wasn't feeling it this year, but the venue itself was pretty cool. The Frenchmen got shout outs (and recognition) and I ran into some old friends form past popfests, but still, I wanted to get the hell out of there for some reason.

Since I didn't have a place to stay that night in the City, we headed back. Much thanks to my accompanying passengers for helping me stay awake.

Next night there was a show in Davis. I didn't care much for the not not fun artists playing, but I had a good time hanging out none-the-less. I was supposed to make it to the RTL/KM show afterwards, but the many "free" beers I drank in Davis had already taken their toll and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep.

Sunday we went to Mark and Dani's to meet the new baby (and have a bbq).

I want to go camping.


Anonymous said...

we want to go camping too.

Unknown said...

funny. long before summer began, i dubbed this the summer of camp.

i've gone twice already and want to go a whole bunch more.

beach or mountains guys?!?

leon said...

I'm up for either setting. The weekend after next, Niki and I are going camping at some remote place south of lake Tahoe, but I'm game for just about any weekend after that. We just bought a tent!