Cheap, fun and relaxing way to beat the heat

GO CAMPING (if you don't mind a couple mosquito bites)!!!

This weekend Niki, Heylove and I drove for miles and miles off of highway 4 (which is an amazing and treacherous drive) to upper and Lower Highlands Lakes. The inner mountain man in me (I was born in the mountains after all) needed to get away from sunny, loud and smelly Sacramento.

The campsite area was nice, cool and relaxing. There was still snow around the campsite, yet it was warm enough to wear shorts and flip-flops during the day, and cool enough to wear hoodies and play guitars around the campfire at night. The Bumpuses and all their little (yet well behaved) rascals took over half of the campsite, which was the only drawback, but they kept their space and were actually a lot more courteous than I initially gave them credit for, though it would have been nice to have a little more space.

There was a crazy hiking trail that followed a creek and went down into this valley, but Niki wasn't up for the adventure (I think she was scared of Heylove getting eaten by bears). Maybe sometime I'll go back with all my hiking friends and give it a go...oh wait...none of my friends like to hike. Goddamn "city" slickers.

I burned myself 3 times: Once while grabbing a hot pot from the stove, I burnt a hole in my thumb from a match-head breaking off while being lit, and I seared some hair off my arm while turning a log in the camp-fire.

The drive home was nice, but seemed like it took forever.

1 comment:

Alice said...

i am a fan of hiking leon. you can count me in. hell, i even like a good backpacking trip (mind you i've only gone backpacking once but it was really fun).