This is a reposting from Niki's ultra-secret blog (as secret as any blog on the world wide web can be)....WARNING!!!!! GRAPHIC IMAGES BELOW!!!

Cats vs. The Mice

We've had a couple of mice sightings in the house lately.

The scene of the crime. I came home at 1PM to find this: A kitchen tile completely removed, mouse blood, some ambiguous mouse innard and more mouse blood.

Cats investigates. She turned to me and said "who could have possibly left this mess for mommy to clean up?"

The ambiguous innard. An intestiny thing? A bladdery thing?

The signs of struggle. Is the mouse still in there?

6PM: Finally, a body. This wasn't there at 1PM.

O' the humanity. The mouse that scurried to heaven.

So small, so quiet.

Who is the culprit? Is it this Cats?

Or is it this Cats?


beckler said...

Back in grade school, I once came home to an empty house, sat at the kitchen table, and spied a squirrel head underneath the table. Close by was a squirrel body that had been split down the middle as if the killer was preparing to give the squirrel open heart surgery. I fled to my room and locked the door, convinced that a maniac had broken into the house and left this corpse as a warning. Nope. It was the cat. But that unexplained innard picture beats that story by a mile.

p.s.-you need to link to niki's blog!

leon said...

I'm not allowed to link to Niki's blog. One can only get that kind of information from Niki herself.

Anonymous said...

My blog is boring and self-loathing. Trust me, you're all better off not knowing how I spend every Saturday night watching Sell This House and Design On A Dime while downing import beer and Jimboys.

Unknown said...


you're leaving out how you didn't feed the cat for three days.

then, you gave her an ultimatum. "ship up or ship out".

course she went all psychopath on the mouse.