serious caffeine withdrawals today

Earlier last week I decided I needed to tackle the manmaries forming on my upper body, so I hit the gym for the first time since November. I didn't want to be another Charles "C-Cup" Albright.

When I first arrived at the gym , I jumped on the inclined elliptical running contraption and went full speed for about 30 minutes. Right after that I lifted some free weights that worked on my arms, chest, shoulders and upper back until my limbs turned to jelly. I felt accomplishment and also felt like a champ.

I woke up the next day and still felt like a champ.

I woke up the next day and could hardly bend my arms. Niki had to help me button a shirt one day. I skipped shaving. Had to cancel "jamming" with Suresh, cuz how am I supposed to play guitar if I can't bend my arms?

I was in this state from Thursday until Sunday with Friday being the peak of my suffering.

I still thought I could still go out and try to have fun, so I picked the Feeling show going on at the F'n G.

I couldn't enjoy my Hoegaarden, I ordered some food that took an hour to get out to me (the bartender was totally slackin') which put me in a cranky mood. When the Feeling finally started (at last), they ruled and they know how to make their guitars give you goose bumps, acting somewhat like a muscle relaxing element, elevating my mood. I still started fading towards the end, but didn't want to seem rude by leaving in the middle of their set (cuz you know...it's so important to The Feeling that I am there in attendance). Finally it was over and I could turn in for the night.

Saturday I started feeling a little better, but my aching body was still putting a damper on my mood. We took the dog to training class, and the instructor didn't like my "loose leash" training technique and got all in my face and told me I had to be more vocal, which I normally would have been, but I was having a bad morning and feeling like crap, so give me a break. I kept my cool though, and did my best to prevent any more humiliation. The rest of the day and evening was uneventful.

Looked at lame art, slept.

Sunday came. My body felt normal again. So what's the best thing to do? Hit the gym of course! I did almost the exact workout again (except this time I got on the "never ending staircase" machine for 30 min).

I feel fine today (despite wanting to pass out due to my experiment of not drinking coffee this morning). I hope I survive this time.


Unknown said...

lower the weight you're using and up the reps.

*Coach K

(no, i'm not joking)

Anonymous said...

Leon, if you won't listen to me telling you the same exact thing...listen to Katy for dogs sake! Us girls know what we're saying.


beckler said...

I'll have you know that Charles C-cups are pure muscle! I should know. I've felt them up countless times.