Taqueria Maria is the shiznit

Today at lunch, me and a co-worker checked out Taqueria Maria.

I could definitely see myself making the drive out there during non-work hours for the best burrito in the 916. Maybe on the way to/from Denio's/scoring crank.

Lack of concentration

It's not that weird for me to lack focus, but lately I've been seeing it get in the way at work. I got's tons of stuff to do, yet I can't just put my nose to the grind stone and get anything done in a timely manner. Maybe I need a real vacation.

I figure these are the factors contributing to my problem:

  • Too much caffeine...must..stop...coffee...consumption

  • Not enough caffeine...must...have...coffee

  • Not enough sleep

  • Not enough relaxation

  • I need to get into some reading (haven't touched a book in months!). Luckily some good books are coming out (most importantly, the new G.R.R.M. novel). The last three books I've read were by this dude, and they were all so good (probably some of the best books I've ever read) that it's hard to keep interest when I start reading anything else that pales in comparison.

  • I've been doing a lot of fun stuff in my free time, which leaves me feeling void of just laying around and doing nothing. Maybe this weekend I'll drive out to the beach, crack open a book, and just max and relax on my own (since Niki will be on her road trip)

  • I've felt musically unsatisfied for a while now too. Going on pitchfork reviews just doesn't cut it. Yesterday I met with some folks at KDVS, and I'm hoping to get a show sometime (either fall or winter quarter). Back when I used to hang out down there, I used to just go through the new arrivals and pull out random stuff to listen to, or check out older stuff that I'd "heard of" but never "heard". I miss those days.

On another note. I saw Rize last night. It was really good and interesting, yet about 15 minutes too long (a lot of random filler at the end). So here is the deal: Krumping stems from Clowning...two different things (but not that different). The main highlight of the movie was the Clowns vs. Kumpers competition. I'm terrible at writing reviews, so click the link or just go see it.

Thirdly. I can't get "The Oldest Dude In The World" out of my head. I'm holding out for the second pressing of Sweet Sounds. For the time being I'm going to make this mp3 my new ring-tone (and anthem).


G-U Not

So what's up with The Game vs 50 cent? I thought the beef was over and they were back to giving each other hand-jobs, but then I heard this recent bootleg "dis" album by The Game ("recent" as in more recent than this new "Krumping" fad).

Here is a useless factoid:

In England they call 50 cents "0.273491 pents" or "27 pee"


you gotta you gotta you gotta....

For some reason I decided to go to the Digable Planets show last night.

Flyer/website/ticket said doors would open at 6, but it wound up being more like 9! I took light-rail and decided to fly solo to the show (since none of the rest of my "money-wise" (aka "cheap bastid") friends wanted to shell out the $25 dollars to see DPs. I arrived at around 6:45 or so figuring it was one of those early gigs that would be over in time to make room for the meat market dance club afterwards, but I wound up having to wait around for HOURS! To waste time, I called some friends to chat, went to Naked Lounge and got a friggin amazing mocha (I rarely get anything but plain old coffee, but when I go there I cant resist, since they actually seem to put effort into both taste and presentation.) 7:30 finally rolled around, which was the time the security dude I talked to said they'd let us in...by 8 I figured he lied to me. I decided to get a beer at icon to kill some more time, but they didn't have anything decent, so I decided "hey..I paid $25 for this ticket, might as well be a high-roller and order some high-quality scotch to top it off". I figured I could kill some time sippin' on scotch. I could really only afford one or two, so I went back outside by 8:20 or so and waited around for at least a half hour longer. And to think, I left work early to attend this show!

They finally started letting everyone in, and each male that entered the building was subjected to the most thorough pat down I had ever experienced. The guy who searched me made me face away from him, put my hands behind my head, and proceeded to pat me down and search every pocket (while yelling "keep your hands up!!! keep your hands up!!!"). Next time I go to a rap concert and feel like shooting someone, I'll be sure to bring Niki along and have her pack heat for me.

A couple wack-ass DJs opened, one whom was DJ DNA. he actually played some decent classic hip-hop joints, but failed to get the crowd moving with his unintelligible banter. The Cuf (or some related crew) played next. They seemed to have some decent beats/flows, but the sound system whackified them. After enduring about a 45+ minute set of underwater beats and rapping, Digable was set to take stage.

They opened with the first song from "Blow Out Comb" and it was a good thing Ladybug kicks the first verse on that one, since Butterfly's mic wasn't even turned on! When his verse came, he had to borrow L's mic. By the second song, all three mics/MCs could be heard.

They all looked as good as ever. Butterfly was sporting that R. Kelly, corn-row, head band, tank top, baggy cargo-pants look. Doodlebug was just dressed like a normal hip-hop dude, and Ladybug was dressed almost exactly how Niki's sister Dominica dresses, and from afar could easily be her bizzaro twin.

The sound guy at Empire should be fired. All the beats from DPs DJ still sounded underwater, but luckily they had a drummer to subsidize some songs (and a bass and keyboard player for some others).

They did all the hits (off the top of my head I can remember: "Nickel Bags", "Where I'm From", "It's Good to Be Here"..the one that goes "do what ya feel..do what ya feel...if it's real" which was a bummer, since the amazing baseline from that song was completely inaudible due to lousy EQ on the soundboard, "9th wonder", "Jettin'" and of course "Rebirth of Slick"...saved that for very last).

Overall..decent show, but definitely not worth the $25 ticket price. 10 dollars less and I wouldn't have felt so ripped off.


Krumping Lessons anyone?

I can't tell if this is real or not. Apparently in LA there is an emerging dance form called "Krumping" that involves wearing scary clown makeup and dancing like an epileptic (MC Hammer on crack?). Don't believe me?



I want to get these (for obvious reasons), but the price seems a bit too much, even thought the purchase would support a good cause and look great on my desk.

Oh well :^/


Different subject all together:

Go get the new bright ideas 7" from Tonevendor!

Here is a link directly to the item for your convenience.


The Clientele and some other band

Last night I went to the Fillmore to check out the Clientele (third time seeing them!).

They played all the great songs. The crowd didn't seem to be all that into them judging by the very audible talking going on around me and in the rest of the venue. Their loss. Just to get them back, I left three songs into the headliner's set (which 99% of the people where there to see)...I would have stayed around and talked about my hairy legs or people at work, but I had to get back to Sac quickly so I could get some shut eye.

np: "pink tuxedo" by the naners


Who's the bean burger king?


I'll post the recipe for "bean burgers with cilantro sauce" later today or tomorrow.

Ps. If Win Park burned down last night...it wasn't my fault... I SWEAR!!!!


new shiznit

2 mostly done songs
1 done (but unlearned) song
1 potential cover

all in one evening with very little effort.

and we are gonna record demo versions next week!

I call that productive.


Heylove's the name

My pops (that's Leon to you) can't bog today, so I'm filling in for him.

Just about every time my parents take me for a walk, people stop them and ask "what kind of dog is that?" I've even been mistaken for a pug. A pug?!?! puhleeze!

The second most common thing people ask is "what's his name", which my parents are quick to answer "HER name is Heylove", in which they get the response "Halo?"..."no HEY LOVE"..."Aylow?"..."no HEY LOVE"..."could you please spell that?"..."H-E-Y-L-O-V-E". After that they either get it, or continue to look perplexed.

Heylove - Like the Stevie Wonder song

Heylove - Like the Delfonics song

(both great songs by the way)

Sometimes I wish my parents just named me Sadie or Lola like everybody else.


serious caffeine withdrawals today

Earlier last week I decided I needed to tackle the manmaries forming on my upper body, so I hit the gym for the first time since November. I didn't want to be another Charles "C-Cup" Albright.

When I first arrived at the gym , I jumped on the inclined elliptical running contraption and went full speed for about 30 minutes. Right after that I lifted some free weights that worked on my arms, chest, shoulders and upper back until my limbs turned to jelly. I felt accomplishment and also felt like a champ.

I woke up the next day and still felt like a champ.

I woke up the next day and could hardly bend my arms. Niki had to help me button a shirt one day. I skipped shaving. Had to cancel "jamming" with Suresh, cuz how am I supposed to play guitar if I can't bend my arms?

I was in this state from Thursday until Sunday with Friday being the peak of my suffering.

I still thought I could still go out and try to have fun, so I picked the Feeling show going on at the F'n G.

I couldn't enjoy my Hoegaarden, I ordered some food that took an hour to get out to me (the bartender was totally slackin') which put me in a cranky mood. When the Feeling finally started (at last), they ruled and they know how to make their guitars give you goose bumps, acting somewhat like a muscle relaxing element, elevating my mood. I still started fading towards the end, but didn't want to seem rude by leaving in the middle of their set (cuz you know...it's so important to The Feeling that I am there in attendance). Finally it was over and I could turn in for the night.

Saturday I started feeling a little better, but my aching body was still putting a damper on my mood. We took the dog to training class, and the instructor didn't like my "loose leash" training technique and got all in my face and told me I had to be more vocal, which I normally would have been, but I was having a bad morning and feeling like crap, so give me a break. I kept my cool though, and did my best to prevent any more humiliation. The rest of the day and evening was uneventful.

Looked at lame art, slept.

Sunday came. My body felt normal again. So what's the best thing to do? Hit the gym of course! I did almost the exact workout again (except this time I got on the "never ending staircase" machine for 30 min).

I feel fine today (despite wanting to pass out due to my experiment of not drinking coffee this morning). I hope I survive this time.



At home and actually working.

It's fun working with music blasting though.

peep my playlist in real time here


Today I'll be working from home in the afternoon...Just like I did yesterday.

Yesterday working from home consisted of:

  • Turing on my computer

  • Check work email

  • Turn IM on (in case a co-worker needed me to do something important, or ask me something)

  • Make sure phone is turned on

  • Fall asleep on couch

  • Wake up and take a walk around Land Park (I walked the whole parameter)

I am hoping today will be as productive, but somehow I doubt it since my boss always comes to me with some critical task at 4:45 pm most Fridays (after a full week of vegetating in front of my computer.)


No point to today's posting

So after many years of boycotting Starbucks, I gave in and started drinking their coffee on a regular basis (this is old news). I still refuse to use their "Veneto, Pico, Mayo grantee" lingo, and instead of vanilla bullshit drinks, I just order coffee...medium sized...no room (for cream)...ok ok you got me. I do just say "no room" instead of "no room for cream.". So what. Sue me.




  • Date with Niki - Dinner and gambling. Niki lost twenty, I only lost fifteen.

  • Dog training that cuts into my basketball! gotta ax the dudes if they want to move it to Sunday...for me.

  • Went to Charles's yard sale (almost forgot until he called to remind me). I wound up purchasing 3 beat up golf clubs from Joel for a dollar. Anyone want to go to the driving range with me? I thought it'd be fun to go there on a hot summer night, bring some brews and smack some balls around*

  • Surprise visit from Amy P(aris)

  • Played poker for the third time ever...what's this golfing and poker crap? Am I turning into a dude?

  • Kayaking and hydrobiking on Lake Natomas turned Sunday into one of the most expensive Sundays ever

  • Watched that movie about the dude from The Gong Show who was supposedly also a trained assassin for the CIA



Dude...you look bummed

Your family died in a car accident....JUST KIDDING!!!!SAY CHEESE!!!!

Now you too can shame your kid wherever you go.

Getting due props

There is a cool article about the tonevendor/clairecords dudes this week in the SN&R...and for once, the writer didn't screw anything up!