Saw the LCD soundsystems last night. I wasn't too excited about the album and their singles seemed hit and miss with me (love "Give it Up"...they need more songs like that!), so I was hoping that they would make a better impression on me live. Nope. I gave LCD the three song rule (If you give a band you don't like off the bat three songs, and you still don't like them...it's ok to leave). !!! in their heyday (i.e. the Sacramento years) could pull off what LCD was doing way better. I just felt LCDs music wasn't going anywhere. Their music would be fun to dance to at a party, or listen to in the car, but to observe them live kind of gets tedious after a while (should have been stoned or something to "get it"). At least !!!s music would build up and go somewhere, which made them great to see live, drunk or sober.

Ok...time to get off the computer and go play BBALL!


Unknown said...

funny, i was making the same comparison last night in my head.

pow pow pow is so much better.

is that the remains of a burrito estillo enchilada?

Maya said...

This is how I console myself for missing the show. I've seen !!! and I think they do it better.

leon said...

is that the remains of a burrito estillo enchilada?

Why yes, it is!

Anonymous said...

I'm curious if the thought process would be different if LCD were from here & we saw them back in the day & !!! were playing a hip secret show & had never been from Sac. I know that , for me, high expectations based on hype tend to make it harder for me to honestly judge something. And also, I hate to say it, but I kinda like it when I'm all "oh, THAT'S what all the hype's about?! Whatever."
I'm a fan of both LCD & !!! solely as live bands & can't stand their records (there's a few exceptional songs). Anyway, I was in the mood so most anything would've sounded good to me Friday. But I definitely enjoyed the Friday show more than !!! at Metro & Out Hud at The Colonial because I like when shows seem dark & crowded and I'm not looking at, like, an Odwalla sign the whole time.


leon said...

Yeah yeah.

So cliché', right? I guess so.

Ready for some more obvious, whiny complaining?

I almost think !!! is way too influenced by that DFA shit now-a-days. I remember it seemed like they were coming out of nowhere when they first started, and talked mad trash about bands relying on electro beats and synths to make dance music...NOW look at them! And who did they have to compete with back then? Dub Narcotic Crapsystem?

I feel as though they have been absorbed into that whole NY hipster dance scene, which influences them rather than the other way around. Currently, if I saw !!! for the first time after seeing LCD, I would agree with you. The last good show !!! played was way back at Cap-G right before they dropped that "Guliani by the school yard" single. I thought both the colonial and espresso metro shows were somewhat over hyped and lame (I wound up outside at the last metro show due to not being in the mood at the time).

Unknown said...

i dig both LCD and !!! on record. but for different reasons.

LCD is great motivator music. sort of house cleaning, wash the car type of stuff.

!!! makes me dance. always.

i guess that feeling carries over live.

dood, that really was a burrito estillo enchilada!?! i think the plate gave it away....
i hear the only other thing there worth having are the shark tacos.

Alice said...

i don't know LCD's music well enough to know if i like it better than !!!. i just like !!! cuz they're my homies and i love hanging out with allan and nic. shameless bias but who cares. also, i do think LCD is overrated.