All We Are Saying, is...

So I got on the Bluetooth/camera-phone bandwagon this week, but I'm still not half as hi-tech as Sabrina.

I took the above picture with my phone this morning on my walk with the dog. The SUV is parked on Alhambra between Q and R every weekday, so I was anticipating coming across it this morning so I could show off my new phone. If you click on the picture, it will enlarge and you will be able to make out the "AK47" license place and "Give War A Chance" bumper sticker a little more clearly.


Unknown said...

i thought you only saw trucks with stickers like that in Placerville.

maybe the fact that it's fancy allows it to be downtown.

leon said...

Word. I wouldn't be surprised if it were owned by a state-worker who commutes from Placerville or some other *ville where red-nex dwell.

Maya said...

Last night there was a ginormous white Hummer in my parking lot. I want to spray paint it or something. It doesn't even fit in the parking spots!