I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast..

I love how they encourage employees to drink beer at my job. It really doesn't get any better.


This morning I tried that new "bagel shop" on 24th and B'way. The bagel I had was 'aight but it ha good cream-cheese. It was a little too cramped and chaotic with DMV workers for my taste.

What the hell happened to Noah's? Years ago I used to love that place, now it's barely mediocre. Also I noticed that over the years they've gone out of their way to de-Jewify the place. Fuckem'. Noah is a sell out.

The only decent bagels I can find in this town anymore are the Bella Brue (sp?) bagels you get at the co-op, although I kinda wish there was a place that would toast and schmear my bagel for me.


beckler said...

Yeah, when Noah's got sold to some big corp. they took down all the Jewish pictures and put up vague old-timey new york bullshit. The worst (possibly even worse than their light, whipped cream cheese) is that they absolutely fucking refuse to toast your bagel. They have that conveyer belt thing that is glowing red and appears to be a toaster, but it merely warms the bagel. I have even resorted to asking them to run it through the alleged "toaster" twice, and there was still no toasting action. I think that is just a red neon light in there that just slightly heats the bagels. I bet there isn't one single place in Sac that boils their bagels. Bagels are supposed to be boiled, goddamnit!

Maya said...

You know what's weird? I think Noah's is owned by the same company that own's Einstein's. And Einstein's does boil their bagels. At least, they used to.