
I have a hard time being frank with people (especially friends), and when I do, I wind up coming off as some kinda a-hole...but whatever. I'm just stating the truth, as I see it.

Anyhow, my current situation is this (without being too specific): I have a friend involved in a project of his (or her) own mastermind, yet I feel he (or she) does not have what it takes to take on this particular task because it's probably out of her (or his) realm of expertise, not saying people shouldn't try new things, but maybe this person should take some outside advice and/or put more effort into this particular project, because as it is now, I really think my friend is making her.himself look silly and is going to harm his.her reputation in this field.

How do I tell my friend this without sounding insensitive?

1 comment:

Alice said...

if the failure will result in the person getting denied a raise or being fired i think you should take the person out to lunch and just say something like "do you think you'll be able to pull this off satisfactorily? this looks like a big project and i'm not even sure i could do it." but if it's not going to get the person fired, maybe you should just let him/her learn the hard way? a little embarrassment, as long as it doesn't result in pecuniary damages, never hurt anyone.