Still [] after all these years.

So I guess I missed another "show of the year" here in Sactown this past Saturday. This time I actually made an attempt to be a part of musical history by leaving the house and going to the venue. Maybe the show only lasted 10 minutes, because I arrived about 15 minutes later than the advertised show time and no one was there, not even the bands playing, so I got back in my car and headed back home.

Yeah yeah... This is Sacramento, so shows are expected to start late, but C'mon! I should know by now...and deep down inside I did know, but at the same time I didn't feel like standing around like a chump waiting. Oh well.


Stop...Move away from the cookie jar!!!

Did anyone catch "The Office" American style last night? I missed it, but from what I've heard, it was pretty bad. Damn shame, but serves anyone right for being that lazy when trying to come up with a new show for the American public. Also I find it insulting to think they have to "Amerikanize" a show like that in order to bring it down to our intellectual level. Granted, sometimes when I watch The Office, I have to turn on subtitles when my brain's not in a notherner state of mind, but I still get it.



I have a hard time being frank with people (especially friends), and when I do, I wind up coming off as some kinda a-hole...but whatever. I'm just stating the truth, as I see it.

Anyhow, my current situation is this (without being too specific): I have a friend involved in a project of his (or her) own mastermind, yet I feel he (or she) does not have what it takes to take on this particular task because it's probably out of her (or his) realm of expertise, not saying people shouldn't try new things, but maybe this person should take some outside advice and/or put more effort into this particular project, because as it is now, I really think my friend is making her.himself look silly and is going to harm his.her reputation in this field.

How do I tell my friend this without sounding insensitive?


Have fun at band practice!

It's official. I'm no longer in any band (well, unless you count The Frenchmen a band, when in fact it's more like something 4 people do in their limited spare time). Anyhow, I called it quits for Munia over the weekend. I still like the people in that band and all, but for a long time I've been thinking of leaving Munia behind for various reasons, but mainly because I haven't been getting the enjoyment I look forward to when playing music. I wouldn't even mind playing music with those guys in the future for something else. Time to move on.

Still check out Leon-free Munia on kdvs on the 24th of March at 11pm! I will.
I think they may also be playing a show at the blue-lamp the next day.


Another blog posting about the best band out right now

Last night I mustered up the energy to head out to SF to see The Futureheads at Slim's (after catching dinner at El Farolito's). Besides being one of the few newer bands out there that caught my attention via recording, seeing them live pretty much blew my mind. They pulled off all the complex vocal arrangements flawlessly (all 4 members sing). Their showmanship and stage presence was of the highest degree, and to top it off, they covered "Pictures of Dorian Grey" by the TVPs during the encore.

I only saw two other fellow Sacramentans at the show, which brings me to this. I thought the Empire club (that was opened a year or two ago) was supposed to bring these kinds bands to our cow-town. Is it that the guy who books shows there is completely out of touch with current music? I don't get it. Every once in a while a band that's getting a lot of buzz will play there or Harlows, but not very often. As much as I like to visit lovely SF, it's kind of a drag to have to go there and back in one night (especially while driving alone).

But all whining aside, I'd like to leave you for the weekend on a positive note. I had a great time, and I think my friend Ian was finally converted to like current music after the show (he's been obsessive over 80s metal the past few months)


I happened to be drinking Osmanthus tea at the very moment I took this quiz

What Flavour Are You? Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.Cor blimey, I taste like Tea.

I am a subtle flavour, quiet and polite, gentle, almost ambient. My presence in crowds will often go unnoticed. Best not to spill me on your clothes though, I can leave a nasty stain. What Flavour Are You?

Also, I was about to post about my visit with my good pal EON this weekend where he demonstrated some ultra-elaborate way of preparing tea, and how dope Garage Band and the new G5 iMac is. I think I'll just get to work instead. Byee.


I am so tired and burnt out mentally and physically at the moment. I've been actually having to dedicate myself to work the past few weeks and it's taking it's toll.

I decided to take some countermeasures so I don't completely fall apart:

  • start eating healthier: I'm the kind of person that bounces back and forth between having good and bad eating habits. I don't know why I do it to myself. I always feel much more upbeat and mentally agile when I'm eating a lot of fruits and veggies, drinking lots of water and staying away from junk food and soda. I'll get back on track.. as soon as I finish my girlscout cookies.

  • move something: ever since we've been in the house, I haven't felt as compelled to go outdoors, thus becoming a lazy fat-ass. I need to get to the gym or start playing bball soon.

Have a good weekend!