so, what have you been up to lately?

nothing much. working. coming home. playing some GTA:SA. eat dinner. work from home a little. go to sleep. repeat!

NY Post: That sounds like a pretty mundane lifestyle. I bet you are one of the people who live by the motto TGIF!

i really look forward to the weekends. last weekend was ruined due to a reoccurring pain in my right foot in the big toe area. it hurt so bad i didn’t even want to leave the house. i had it looked at by a doctor last friday, and they tested me for gout, which does run in my family, and one of my good friends who has it swore that's what i had after describing the symptoms to him.

NY Post: That sounds pretty major. My Russian Grandfather had that. He can't eat peas anymore. Did you ever find out exactly what the problem was?

it turns out that i just have a "flat arch" in that foot. hopefully insoles will work. thank goodness it's not "the gout"!

NY Post: Yes. Good thing! Did your close call with "The Gout" and your second chance at living a normal life affect your habits at all?"

with the fear of my body falling apart and having severe cases of the "blahs" lately, i kicked my butt into gear and made my way back to the gym after not going for about half a year. typical back-to-gym scenario: work out for a good hour before work, feel great all day long, and wake up the next day in pain, preventing anymore trips to the gym that week. hopefully i'll recover by monday and i can make exercise my routine again. i'm sure it won’t hurt a bit!

NY Post: One thing our readers have noticed lately is your great hair!

last friday, i decided to hobble my way to my old barbershop for a haircut. it used to be called "judy's on j street" owned and operated by judy, the nicest barber i ever had. she never once asked how i wanted my hair cut, she just knew, and did what she did best. she would always finish the haircut by shaving the back of your neck old school style with a straight edge razor. niki even used to have her hair cut there!

NY Post: Sounds like a great place. Do you Still go there or have you gone the SuperCuts route?

judy sold the business, i think due to health reasons, and moved away. i hadn't been there since, until friday. it's now called "buzz" something-or-other. it looks pretty much the same on the outside, except for the harley parked out front (i later found out that it's the owner's bike). inside was another story. it looks like the new owner (buzz?) did everything possible to add a sense of masculinity to the place. there is a fridge with a glass door filled with Budweiser on one side of the room. he has his power tools on display (drill, hammer, etc..) on another side of the room. on the counter was a bottle of some hard core japanese liquor, that had an actual snake inside the bottle (which buzz would periodically take a swig from while chopping hair!). he kept complaining to the other barber, the old dude that cuts hair once or twice a week, about being hung-over, while drinking a beer and the "snake juice".

NY Post: Wow! Once you saw all that was going on, was your first inclination to make a bee-line to the exit door?

not really. anyway, my turn finally came up and i swear there were people ahead of me for a hair cut, but they all wanted the old dude instead, so i took a deep breath and stepped up to bat. "talk to me about your hair buddy!" was the first thing buzz said to me. i gave him the specs, and without any further questions, buzz did his thang. there was a time during the haircut where buzz was actually talking on the phone and cutting my hair simultaneously.

NY Post: It's a surprise your hair looks so good.

anyhow. as you can see, my hair came out great. it only cost 10 bucks. so i'll be back for sure!

NY Post: Very interesting. We here at the Post are always curious about what is now playing on your Hi-Fi system. Could you please tell us?

np: "ruby, don't take your love to town" - kenny rogers

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