man, someone really put time in this to make it look authentic...


and oh yeah, i did click on the link knowing it was a phony.

i know you just said "man, you crazy fool!, that could be some viral ass shit. your computer might catch herpes or sumfin'".

i know i know. well let me use this opportunity to promote a great open-source browser called firefox. this may be the first you've heard of it (but not the last), but lets just say that M$ Internet Exploder, (a virus writers dream come true btw) hasn't been updated in 4 years, with a new version not coming out until 2006 (if the new version of windows gets released in time)

...i'm just sayin'. you might want to think about switching to a browser that is developed by the community at large for the betterment of mankind.

since most people use it, virus writers use the unpatched vulnerabilities in IE. fixes for these software bugs are few and far in between. of course, exploits will be found in any piece of software, but since firefox is open source, bugs are fixed almost immediately after they are found.

the same folks who give us firefox also bring the world thunderbird, which is the email client i use at home. i likes it a lot as well.

thanks to maya for the 411 on the article about the battle between good and evil (and no, it's not about kerry vs. bush). and thanks to all of you who don't open email attachments from strangers.

looks likes this email was an attempt to infect my computer with a new email worm called w32-mydoom-ah

here is what you can do to make the world a better place

Delete suspicious messages with the following subject lines:

* Hi!
* Hey!
* Confirmation
* ...or a blank subject line.

This virus infects your machine when you click on the URL link contained in the message body.

Some forms of this virus are masquerading as official looking PayPal email notifications, stating that a charge has been made to your credit card. This is not the case, but clicking on the link will infect your machine.

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