smashing time

it was a nice 4 days off.

we had the whole family over for the holiday, and everyone seemed to have a good time. the food was great.

the next day, my friends had a "day after thanks giving" potluck, which featured all vegetarian items. good stuff!

saturday i made my second batch of beer. the first one came out superb, and we drank it during the making of batch number 2. i felt like i was conducting a class, since there were 4 extra people who came over to help out. the more, the merrier, i say.

sunday was "do nothing day". i didn't even leave the house until 5:30. and that was to get pizza at zeldas.

the weekend after next i am treating myself to a trip back to the UK to see the t.v. personalities and my friends, pipas, along with some other good bands. this time i'm stocking up on brown sauce and bacon flavoured crisps (for niki) to take back. it will be neat going back so soon and not having to "work" (not that i mind playing shows every night, it's just the time limits on "sight seeing" got to me after a while). i'm trying to be as nonchalant as possible about it, so i can feel like a jet-setter, just doing my thang.

oh yeah, niki and i are getting one of these pups for christmas...er...i mean hanukkah...

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