weekend recap

since we've moved into the new place, niki and i have come to realize a few things. we have no functional furniture suitable for a house. furniture is expensive. all the furniture stores in town sell stuff that even my parents would think looks completely tacky. either that, or it's over priced garbage.

we spent all saturday morning coming to terms with this, then we found a place that sells decent looking furniture, but still.. too damn much!

after that waste of a morning, we got ready for a small house warming/wine party in order to gather up the motivation to clean house and get rid of some wine we've been overstocking. somehow we managed to have more of it when it was all over with, so here is an open invite: if you ever want to come over for a glass of wine, just give me a call and/or just come on over (as long as it's a decent hour). i'm serious. i'll even bust out the "good stuff".

niki and i got our bikes out of storage sunday (the last place we lived had no room and no place to lock them up). i re-lubed the chains, pumped up the tires and then we headed over to kickball (now at 6pm ever sunday @21st and C...another open invite) and it went well until the other team picked up all the late comers, and wound up having about a quarter more people than my team.

finished season 2 of curb your enthusiasm. the last two episodes were somewhat anti-climatic, but over all it's still one of the best shows.

found a place that sells brown sauce and made my self a breakfast of sausage (morning star), beans, and potatoes in order to remember england.


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