saw a great movie last night. i'll give you a clue which movie it was ^^^^. i am always skeptical about any movie produced by MTV, and it took me a about five minutes to make a break through and love this movie. go see it. if you don't like it, you are lame.

since i've been in the new house i've been having "what's that sound in the middle of the night" episodes where i get up in the middle of the night and walk around to see what's going on. i think i've finally come to realize that it's just the automatic ice maker dropping ice in the automatic ice maker receptacle and/or the automatic sprinklers turning on and freaking out the cats at 4:30 am. last night i slept like a baby. one thing i miss about the old apartment was how we could leave the windows open 24/7 and any sound was just a car passing by, or a drunk stumbling through. i'm sure i'll get over it.

here is a pretty decent show review of the frenchmen playing in london. i think i may need vocal lessons or just give up singing all together since i really am trying to sing on key, but every review of our music (good and bad) likes to point out the "flat male vocals".

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