steady diet of nothing... but chips

pictured above: the cut-outs

loved the UK. i don't know what people are complaining about when they talk about the food over there. everything i tried was fab. loved Sweden too, but felt a little farther from home while over there.

it was great being trapped on a mini bus for a week with pipas and the cut-outs.
it was a dream come true to share the stage with smiller (for him, of course ;)
surreal seeing drunk-out-of-their-minds Swedish kids singing every word to one of my songs.

no one got on my nerves once.

had chips in London
scotch in Scotland (Glasgow)
snoos in Sweden (forgot to get Swedish fish)
beer is way better in bars and pubs in the UK.

kind of glad to sleep in my own bed last night, but wish i could have stayed a bit longer.

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