The Rock sings a song about Sacramento
Don't hold your wee, just have a bit of patience
Following words of advice from Axle Rose, I just decided to wait until I had that gut feeling, and it paid off! Sunday morning I could feel it. I could just sense that wii waiting for me at the Natomis Best Buy (the one that no one goes to), and I was right. AS soon as we pulled up, I saw store patrons walking out, wii in hand, so Niki shoved me out of the door and told me to get my butt in there while she found a parking space.
Lo and behold, I walked up to the first BB sales person and asked for it, and they had ONE LEFT! FOR MEEEEEE. They only had nine in stock that morning. I got the last one.
The rest of the weekend ruled: Friday night dinner at Maaloufs (Ira got to see his first belly dancer), killing at the 80's cover show, vegan dim-sum at Josh P's, Tim and Gerri buying Zelda's pizza for band practice.
and in the spirit of yelp: minus one star for missing the Canadian style birthday party.
our perpetual kitten (named mouse) waiting to play the new wii
Dear Lovely Rita
I think I am too nice in this letter
June 22, 2007
City of Sacramento
915 I Street
Room 1214
Sacramento, CA, 95814
To Whom It May Concern:
I would like to request an Administrative Investigation to contest parking citation no. 47773121. The citation claims that my vehicle (CA license plate #######) does not have a valid O parking permit, when in fact the vehicle does (O parking permit number #####). I had received this citation while my car was parked in front of my residence at blah blah blah Street, Sacramento California, zipcode on June 19, 2007.
Please note that I had received the same violation three times now! Once in August of last year and one as recent as last month! All citations were cleared since I do, in fact, have a valid O permit, which is clearly visible on my rear bumper. I would appreciate it if the parking enforcement officers patrolling my neighbourhood (which they seem to do at random intervals) would cease writing me erroneous citations.
Thank you for taking time to investigate this citation, and please let me know if you need any further information from me or anyone else concerning this matter.
Since I went through all the trouble deciphering the lyrics...I'll post them (need to work on chords next)
jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle
tickle tickle tickle tickle
little saka sugar I could eat you up
jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle
pickle pickle pickle pickle
little saka sugar I could eat you up
hey hey hey
little saka sugar
ho ho ho
my little saka sweet
he he he
my pretty little angels
pretty pretty pretty
I could eat your feet
hey hey hey
little honey bunny
ho ho ho
little turtle dove
he he he
little saka taters'
your so pretty pretty pretty
I could eat your toes
jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle
pickle pickle pickle pickle
little saka sugar I could eat you up
jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle
tickle tickle tickle tickle
little saka sugar I could eat you up
hey hey hey my tootsee wootsee
wrangle tangle dangle and a honey in a tree
ho ho ho my butterfly flutters
pretty pretty pretty I could eat your nose
jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle
tickle tickle tickle tickle
little saka sugar I could eat you up
jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle
tickle tickle tickle tickle
little saka sugar I could eat you up
google google google
a coogle(?) and a cuddle
I kick your foot like a bicycle peddle
a pretty little hoodle(?) and a one-eyed frog
pretty pretty pretty I could gobble you whole
jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle
tickle tickle tickle tickle
little saka sugar I could eat you up
jiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle
tickle tickle tickle tickle
little saka sugar I could eat you up
little saka sugar I could eat you up
I hope it's worth the paper it was printed on
After receiving numerous MAJOR violations, Huong Sen Tofu finally got a green card. I've been waiting for a clean bill of health before checking the place out. Supposedly it's a 100% vegetarian Vietnamese restaurant on Stockton blvd...home of the good stuff. I've been looking for something better than Andy's, so this place looks promising.
Next step, either convince Niki it's safe to eat there, or invite one of my more adventurous friends out for dinner.
Josh P..Vegan Chef Extrordinare
Right now I am enjoying an amazing spinach calazone, courtesy of Mr. Josh. It's sooooo good!
Ya'll need to take advantage of his services since he moved in to Sac and all for us! I've missed his last self-hosted meal, but Niki and I have been utilizing his food-to-go service and going to his brunches.
mmmm.. ok time to finish lunch...
Oh...and here's a link to his blog
Feeling guilty

Every once in a while I feel guilty for getting free stuff on-line. If it's an album of a band I really like, I try my best to buy it on LP format, (since I already have a digital copy). Most recently though, Ira Glass from my favorite NPR show "This American Life" gave everyone a reality check (aka a guilt trip) on the cost of providing the free weekly podcast, which is how I've been listening to it for a while now. I've never given to NPR, since I'm always put off by them asking for $50-100, like that's chump change, but Ira made a good point by stating "if everyone who listened donated 25 cents, we could cover our costs", so I was sold. I figure $15 a is a good deal for a year subscription to TAL, since buying a CD containing that many episodes would probably cost double the amount.
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