I paid my dues

So my computer has reached the 5 year life-span and is starting to act up on me (blue screens of death, eating up virtual memory, programs crashing all the time). Yeah I could re-install windows and all my other programs and my computer will be almost like new...for a while...but I think I'm going to make the switch to Mac. I was originally thinking of getting a laptop, but then me and Niki would fight over it all the time, so I'm eyeing the iMac. I'm lobbying for the 24" version.

I have one question though. Are they really worth the price compared to a Windows desktop (that will only cost a fraction of the iMac's price)? Any advice? Also, what sorts of problems to Macs encounter? Back in junior college we had a bunch of macs in the computer lab that were pure shit, but that was the olden days (back when they were called "Macintosh") and I know a lot has changed since then.


ACK said...

the main problems I have encountered is with support. I don't mean Apple support, but from other software folks not being able to help me cause I have a Mac.

Other than that, I like my apple. I don't have to worry about viruses. It looks good.

Anonymous said...

after being a die-hard PC guy for years, i switched about 10 years ago and have never looked back. the new macs are even better because you can run all your windows stuff too. it's a no brainer. the hardware and software are elegant and user friendly. if you hate stuff like the "blue screen of death" get a mac and you'll never see it again.

so in short. yes, get a mac.

Anonymous said...

Howdy there... I hopped on over from Ally's blog who asked me to give you my two cents about macs.

I have been a lifelong user of Macs (the life of Macintosh, not my life as I am a wee bit older) and I wouldn't use anything else. For people switching from a Windows machine, there is an adjustment, but the lack of viruses on a Mac is staggering to most people. It is true, that the new macs can run windows, but then, why would you want to? That is like getting a Mercedes and putting a Hyundai engine in it. Har har...

Unfortunately, I have not been thrilled with Apple's decision to start using Intel chips, which have been shown to be somewhat less stable and secure than their older ones. Macs, long considered to be somewhat "un-hackable" were recently hacked quite easily at the Black Hat conference this summer. Granted, that is still miles away from what you'd encounter with a Windows machine, but some cause for concern nonetheless.

Countering that though, is the fact that Apple's OS runs on UNIX, making it far more secure, stable and strong than any Windows or prior version of Mac software. I could go on and on, but in short, I'd say go for it and get a Mac. I feel it is definitely worth the higher sticker price as you get what you pay for. Yeah, it will be different and there are some adjustments, but I think the good far outweighs the bad. I've encouraged my own father to get a mac, as well.

And yes, they are pretty! And cute and fun. Check out the Apple site under "Software" for all the free programs and widgets you can get for a Mac today. They have come a long way from the old Mac that had limited software available to them.

leon said...

OK. I'm sold.

Anonymous said...

Soulseek sucks on Macs.


ACK said...

Did buying a mac keep you from posting on your blog this century? I miss Leon posts.