
Not much to report just yet. Yesterday I finally got over my jet lag, and starting tomorrow I get to have fun the rest of my time here (not that working isn't fun).

There was a gala event for the conference last night where we had to get all dressed up and mingle with VIP customers, but thank goodness my HP Deutschman are like me, and decided to say "fuck it" and just head into town and get bier and food instead.

Deutschman are heckacool. All the ones I have been kickin' it with have a good sense of humor, are very sincere and are right to the point (which can be interpreted as rude by some).

I probably wont post again until I get back in the states. My hotel has wifi, but I have to pay for it, and it's a lot. I'll have some good pics and stories by when I get back, I'm sure.


Unknown said...

beer night for stories!

though, by the time you return, your tolerence will be waaay higher than ours i'm sure.

leon said...


Every place I went to served beer by the liter...

I'm a renewed fan of pilsner and kristallwiesen (Germans love clear beers)