Scared Shitless

So for some reason my boss(es) think I should teach some classes. Me? Introverted, quiet ol' me (when I'm outside of my comfort zone and not drunk)? The fate of people's knowledge will rely on my ability to convey information. I'm having a panic attack just thinking about it.

Ah...what the fuck.. it'll be good for me.

It shouldn't be any different than playing a guitar and singing in front of people right?....well I won't have my wall of (rat pedal feed-back, reverb and flashy guitar) sound to hide behind, and I can't fake the lyrics by singing at a volume below all the chaos around me, but I do like talking about technical stuff, so it's all good (as long as I don't stare at my shoes or the set-list the whole time). Maybe I should make a martini beforehand.


Unknown said...

i think you'd make a really good teacher Leon.

but, one martini might not hurt.

Anonymous said...

Remember, if you get stuck for something to say, quote "Hat Nerd".
