Weekend Update


After work I went to Thai Cottage (on Fulton) and had an amazing dinner. Niki and I stuffed ourselves silly with dinner and dessert. We used a coupon from the SN&R and got a free entree, so it didn't cost too much. We ran into Nicola and Rosemary there. I wanted to go to that bananas show at Old I, but I was too tired and full, so I just stayed at home.

I watched an episode of "Good Eats" (Amber Waves), where my favorite scientist/cook Alton Brown made beer. I knew there was a reason I like that guy. He had some great techniques that I'll need to implement in my next batch of homebrew. So far that guy has taught me how to make good: Cheesecake, martinis and Power bars. Most of the time, I just watch and take mental notes.


Laid down some additional tracks and did some mixing for the Frenchmen Black Flag cover. I'm not sure if I like it or not.

Uploaded a bunch of live music videos I made onto youtube.com. I'll post them here Friday, or you can just try to find stuff yourself by searching: Gregory Webster, TVPs, Pipas and Jens Lekmen (I'll upload some local stuff eventually). I need to reshoot The Feeling.

My sister came over and we had lunch at the Fox and Goose. I ordered a Chimay with my meal and the staff there kept on coming by and making comments about how that particular beer with get you hella wasted after a couple sips. That's why I like it (and it tastes great).

Made cookies (snowballs) and got my ass handed to me by Sacramento indie-elitist, Beckasac, in the cookie-off. Her win was well deserved.

I was gonna go see Knock Knock, then see the 4 'i's, but after eating all those cookies and Del Taco afterwards, it was time to go home and digest. SNL was hecka stupid (as usual).


Went to Sabs for birthday breakfast (pancakes and bloody marys), came home and remained lazy the rest of the afternoon.

I made a slow-jams compilation and a "best of girl groups" compilation and I'm pretty happy with both (let me know if you want a copy...or I might just "podcast" them).

Finally saw "Crash". It was 'aight.


Unknown said...

yes please.

werenotdeep said...

Yeah, dude, seriously, in that competition, 2nd place is really saying something. I mean, my cookies didn't even place, man! And they're some damn good cookies! I had oven issues, perhaps, but even if they had been at their peak, I dunno. Your snowballs just kicked that much ass. This is like the fourth time I've posted this to somebody about this...I'm just passionate about cookies, I guess.

leon said...

OK ok ok I get it. My cookies rule!