Chicken Fried Brain
Sometimes I wonder if I'm cut out for this job. It's only Thursday, my brain is fried, and all I want to do is go home and do something that involves sensory deprivation.
Hi there food fans,
Glad you decided to wander by
the shiny new
We’re working day and night to make
this humble clutch of pages a place you’ll want to come back to time and time again … not so much so that it interferes with your daily life, but often. Pretty soon there will be a darned clever podcast, video, all sorts of goodies for the eyes and brain alike.
May the food be with you, AB
Beer Making
As you all know, I enjoy making beer now and then. Well, after watching the episode of Good Eats on homebrewing last weekend, I caught the beer making bug once again.
I find most books and other sources of beer making instructions are hard to follow if you are a newbie to the process. I still feel shaky on some parts myself, so what I did for this batch is read all the material on the beer making process from different sources and came up with my own set of "leeeeeeon friendly" instructions.
I'm sure I'll still confuse the hell out of myself and all my readers still, but what's new?
Belgian Gold (variant)
To make:
The Boil
Note: At steps 3-4, grains can be set aside to steep for 30 minutes while steps 5-11 are performed in a separate pot (in that first 2 gallons of water). At 30 minutes the "grain tea" can be re-introduced back into wort (or added into the fermentor at same time as wort?..still neet to get some clarification on this)
The Cold Break
Wait 7-10 days
After 7 days, measure the time between bubbles on the air lock,
If the bubbles are more than 1 minute apart, it’s time to bottle!
Get sample and measure gravity