Musical Chairs

Over the past year here at ye ol' jobby job, my managers have been playing musical chairs ("I'm no longer your manager".."He's your manager now"..."I'm your manager again"...back to "I'm not longer you manager") so now I'm trying to get my second manager, twice removed, to come back to my team.

Why do they do this to us?



How about that show eh? I couldn't believe they played "You All Everybody" by Driveshaft. My observation was that me and Niki were the only ones stoked about it.

Enough about that... you can read more about the show on everyone else's blog.

So Pitchfork (my anonymous reader's favorite webzine) put out their top 50 of 2005. Even more sub-par than last years list. I know I went on about Kanye West's CD when it came out, but it is no where near being the second best album of the year. Also on their list is Love is All's album that isn't coming out until January 2006. Even though they are a fucking rad band, I'm not sure how that works. Maybe they mean it's one of the best free promos of 2005? (Check out their labels Myspace profile (with super crappy, choppy mp3s that make you want more. It's almost painful!!!))))))))


Good news for TVPs fans

Sorry about not posting anything about my personal-life, which consists of working hard during the week and drinking heavily and watching bands on the weekend. Until that changes...read the following:

via pitchforkmedia.com:
Television Personalities Prep First Album in 11 Years!

Matthew Solarski reports:
Post-punk has bred few sons more enigmatic, charismatic and straight-up erratic than Mr. Dan Treacy, frontman for the Television Personalities. And even fewer more endearing. When Treacy miraculously resurfaced last year after serving jail time on a British prison boat (allegedly for burglary), TVP acolytes the world over rejoiced, and when Treacy went on to declare he'd "written [his] best and most meaningful music of the last couple years" and wanted to release a new record, those acolytes wet themselves with glee. Championed by Kurt Cobain, John Peel, Jens Lekman, and Creation Records founder Alan McGee among others, the Television Personalities exert a lifetime hold over those whose lives they touch. And that jolly lot is about to grow with exponential furor.

Domino Records recently announced that they will release the fruit of Treacy's foreshadowing, entitled My Dark Places, on February 27 in the UK and March 7 in North America. It will be the first record of new Television Personalities material in eleven long years. Fixin' for a taster? Domino drops the first single on February 6, the oh-so-cheekily-entitled "All The Young Children On Smack, All The Young Children On Crack". Featuring a cover of the Who's "All Love Is Good Love" on the b-side, the song was inspired in part by Pete Doherty. We jest not.

And don't the kids still love it:

01 Special Chair
02 All the Young Children on Smack, All the Young Children on Crack
03 Sick Again
04 Ex Girlfriend Club
05 You Dream the Sweetest Dreams
06 Velvet Underground
07 My Dark Places
08 I'm Not Your Typical Boy
09 You Kept Me Waiting Too Long
10 They'll Have to Catch Up First
11 She Can Stop Traffic
12 Tell Me About
13 Knock It All Down
14 I Hope You're Happy Now
15 No More I Hate You's
16 There's No Beautiful Way to Say Goodbye

My Dark Places was recorded with Simon Trought at London's Soup Studio. A press release proclaims the record is "as sad as it is uplifting, as gentile as it is noisy", and says that Treacy penned the entire album while serving his prison boat sentence. We could invoke any number of prison-related jokes here, but we're on a sincerity kick of late. Must be the season.

Dan Treacy's blog, which totters rather amusingly between precocious brilliance and unnerving hysteria, features allusions to a U.S. tour in 2006. Until those glorious dates arrive, UK denizens may shake their bums to Treacy's selections at this Friday's "How Does It Feel To Be Loved?" event at London's Phoenix, where Dan will work the decks:

12-16 London, England - The Phoenix (DJ Set)


Sorry for the lame post

Why does the myspace.com server suck so bad?
I can't log in.


Pictures that look like porn but aren't porn

Go ahead and click on the thumbnail image here. It's perfectly safe for work. If you think this is funny, visit Galumpia for a whole gallery of images that look like porn but aren't

(link doesn't look safe for work, but it is)
via boingboing.net

loo loo loo loo...

Don't forget to huddle around your new 27" flat-tube TV tonight, grab a cup of hot co-co and watch an all time classic.

FIVE THINGS: About 'A Charlie Brown Christmas'



The weekend was great, even after the awkward encounter on the light-rail Sunday afternoon.

The "Halloween" show was like no other.
Del Taco saved me from being hung-over the next morning.

Charles's new band is pretty fun, but there needs to be a new venue to replace the Distillery. I'm starting to feel the same way about it as I do with Old I. Also, this town is in serious need of some new-good bands. For now I'll settle for a new mixed drink.

New mixed drink:
The French Connection
2 parts cognac
1 part amaretto almond liqueur

Pour ingredients into a old-fashioned glass over ice, stir, and serve.

(sounds gross, but it's not!)


Everybody's workin' for this weekend...

If you go to heckasac.blogspot.com you can read about two must-see goings on this weekend.

Firstly is the "Decemberween" show happening somewhere this Friday (That attic place on 26th where the zombie/fetus movie set is located?). I kinda regret pussing out on doing James Taylor, but the second comment (and by "second" I mean "third") on heckasac is kinda why I bowed out (Is it really going to fucking happen?)

Secondly, there is a fantastic show with a completely solid line-up Satrurday evening:

Rock the Light
Westwind (featuring Virginia Weatherbee of SF)
The Megacools (Charles Albright's latest band, so you know it's going to be fun because Charles is a really funny guy. He is! He told me himself)

At the Distillery
6 bucks