Do you believe in natural selection now?

From CNN.com

WACO, Texas (AP) -- A pastor performing a baptism was electrocuted inside his church Sunday morning when he adjusted a nearby microphone while standing in water, a church employee said.

link to whole story

Super Munchies

So those WBs I had Friday night seemed to effect me the whole weekend. All that money I had been saving by not going out to eat went to:

2 trips to Crepeville USA
1 dinner at Tres Hermanas
1 breakfast at F n' G

I tried making it up by cooking a giant pot of my signature split-pea soup yesterday afternoon, which came out bombtastic, as usual.

I'll be taking Dan to the airport Wednesday, but we are going to stop at Cornerstone on the way there for his final final meal in Sacramento, for reals this time.

So long sucka!


Dear Quiznos marketing genius,

Just the other day while driving past a site where a future Quiznos establishment is being built (on Alhambra and Broadway in sunny Sacramento CA), I had a moment of brilliance which caused me to come up with a new slogan and advertising idea for Quiznos.

It's a play on words, so it takes some, but not very much brain power.

Quiznos - "what you want"

OK, so that may seem bland at first, but it gets even more ingenious.

Say you have a mascot named Quiz who is a "know-it-all" or a "fortune teller" (you could have an artist come up with a new character, or maybe have one of the singing hamsters, or that baby with the man's voice be the character named "Quiz").

The know-it-all could be a somewhat annoying, yet loveable character who thinks he or she knows the answer to everything (somewhat like "comic book guy" from The Simpsons), yet in reality, Quiz gets all the facts messed up. Quiz will say funny things like "Did you know Abraham Lincoln was the fifth president? That's why he's on the five dollar bill!" and you could have another character ague with Quiz and respond "Ummm...no... Lincoln was the sixteenth president..." and they could go back and forth like that until the announcer in the commercial states "Quiz knows what you want". (Quiznos...What you want).

Another idea is that the character Quiz could be a psychic who tries to tell people their fortunes, but never gets it quite right, whether it be some far-fetched idea, or something impossible (like telling an amputee that he or she will grow arms, or something a bit more politically correct), and towards the end of the commercial Quiz will allude to something more feasible: "You are going to eat some food today at around noon...I'm seeing a toasty concoction of meat and cheese..." and the person getting the fortune from Quiz the fortune teller will look amazed and say something like "wow! How did you know?!?!? I am heading over to Quiznos at lunch today!"....Quiznos...what you want.

Just a portion of many brilliant ideas of mine. Let me know if you are interested in using some of them.

Kind regards,
Leon Levy



Originally uploaded by bugbiteme.

This weekend I went to a really great wedding.

Congraduations to the new married couple and thanks for the great time!

never duplicated

never duplicated
Originally uploaded by bugbiteme.

filling my 1-2 blog quota per week


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Give the Broadcast Flag a TKO

from the Electronic Frontier Foundation

We have the Broadcast Flag on the ropes, but its supporters are flailing back. The Broadcast Flag, a plan to give Hollywood remote control of how you record, copy, transfer, or replay over-the-air digital television, was knocked flat by the courts.

Now the film and TV industries are running to Congress to get the fix in.

The current plan: sneak a few lines of innocuous-sounding law past legislators to give the FCC the sweeping regulatory authority it needs re-instate the Flag. That would restore Hollywood's power to dictate the design of any digital equipment capable of receiving broadcasts - and once again, technology innovators would be forced to beg permission to provide you with the features and functionality for exercising your fair use rights.

The lawyers and lobbyists are moving fast, but you can move faster. Tell your representative you don't want Hollywood to hobble your digital media devices, and knock out the Broadcast Flag for good.


Sorry. No Pictures!

Last night's 4-eyes “live” recording was a blast. Not at all what I (or anyone else not “in-the-know” expected). So if you weren’t there, it’s all live as far as you’re concerned…ok?

During the first round of “live” recording, the audience was pretty quiet, probably because most participants were too busy laughing their asses off and not being drunk enough, except for maybe smiller (when you listen to the recording and hear a whole lot of “WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO” towards the beginning, that’s him!)

As the first round of crowd recording progressed, people became a little drunker and a little more energetic (when you hear that crazy sounding dude towards the end yelling “SAM MALONE!!!!” that’s me! I even yelled it out the window at some business casual dudes crossing the street on the way home and now I feel stupid for it).

Second round started off with full audience participation since the people who had been present for round one knew all the choruses, but the energy seemed to taper off after “working out with weights”. People drifted out of the loft and into the alley by then, which worked out, since the last two songs were supposed to be the anti-hits (we were indicated to yell “BOOOO!” for both of them).

Funniest song of the evening: “I should have walked around” not only for the lyrics, but also for the “My Girl” guitar riff.

Other stand out hits: “A 57 Chevy”, “Working out with weights” and some other song that I can’t remember right now due to that nauseous feeling in my stomach you get after a night of PBR and other cheap beers.


Know your roots

Here is one of my favorite stories of all time (from the National Geographic website):

The ancient Sumerians, who built advanced city-states in the area of present-day Iraq, began fermenting beer from barley at least 6,000 years ago.

"When people started agriculture the first crops they produced were barley or wheat. You consume those crops as bread and as beer," Standage noted. "It's the drink associated with the dawn of civilization. It's as simple as that."

Beer was popular with the masses from the beginning.

"Beer would have been something that a common person could have had in the house and made whenever they wanted," said Linda Bisson, a microbiologist at the Department of Viticulture and Enology at the University of California, Davis.

"The guys who built the pyramids were paid in beer and bread," Standage added. "It was the defining drink of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Everybody drank it. Today it's the drink of the working man, and it was then as well."

Doesn't it just bring a tear of happiness to you eye?

So I got a coupon to make another batch of beer at brewitup for $99. Anyone want to go in with me. Let me know soon before the offer expires!



Some songs we just hear and never think about too much. I'm sure other's have had this discussion.

So I'm listening to the online 80's station here at work, and that terrible song "Yah Mo B There" comes on. We've all heard it a million times. So WHAT THE HELL IS A 'YAH MO' and why does he, she, or it have to "B there"?

Just wondering.

If the song was about the legendary Yah Mos, I could understand. I wish they would B here. How fucking great would that be?

NP: Chicago - "Stay the Night"


2005 and the robots are just NOW taking over?

What's been taking them so long?


The Last Supper of Dan and Heather...before moving to Lamesville

Today Dan and Heather are moving away, so last night Niki and I thought we'd give them a final farewell and join them for their last Jimboy's meal.

They told us there is no good Mexican food in Florida.

So you are moving there because???