To-Do List

Go home

Let the dog out to go pee

Feed dog

Go to Berkeley

Eat dinner at Long Life Vegi House
(vegi chicken with green beans in black bean sauce, long life vegi chicken...occasionally sweet-and-sour vegi pork...it's all about the vegimans baby!)

Drive to SF

Watch the New Pornographers

Drive home and arrive super late at night

Get up bright and early and go to work!


Unknown said...

how was the show!?

leon said...

It was great. I didn't post about it due to 4 hours of sleep and too much on my plate at work right now. I though Niki would make up for that, but she's been in the same boat. We showed up just as NP were setting up to play. They rocked the place with three encores (which is pretty ridiculous). Carl Newman is the albino love child of Doogie Howser MD and Jamie from "A Small Wonder".

I love Bimbo's for its old-school classiness. I feel like I'm on a cruise ship in the 1920s when I'm there.

Unknown said...

i think the last show i saw at Bimbo's was Pinback.

such a fitting environment.