Fear is the mind killer...

If you've been following this fascinating blog of mine, you know I'm reading and watching the Dune series. Right now I am reading "Children of Dune", and so far it's great.

All of the Dune books take place in our universe, but over ten thousand years from now, therefore the story is considered Sci-Fi, but really the whole focus of the [book] series is religion, politics and how they can be used to manipulate societies and power. There is also a strong emphasis on character development, which causes the story to move at a snails pace, but makes for a great, involved read.

David Lynch tried making the story of Dune about spaceships and laser guns, which made the movie pretty convoluted and confusing to watch if you are actually trying to figure out the plot. No character development, and the storyline seems secondary to making a weird sci-fi movie geared towards the post-Star Wars crowd.

I tried watching Dune the mini-series, and although it follows the storyline almost annoyingly perfect as far as dialog is concerned, the production is one step up from an Ed Wood film. Maybe Ed Wood meets Dr. Who. It seems like whoever directed/cast the series didn't really even bother to find actors that matched the description of the characters in the book. I figured the Fremen would all be mysterious, fierce warrior types who were advanced in technology, yet in the miniseries, Stilgar, the leader of the Fremen tribe who had to basically kill his way to the top, is a fat, balding white dude with a weird Italian-ish accent. That was just one example of misrepresentation of characters. There are many more flaws that I wont go into right now. The Fremen thing pushed me over the edge and I couldn't stand it anymore, so I sent the whole thing back to netflix without even finishing. I know I know...the movie is never as good, but come on man!!! At least try.


Anonymous said...

Whoa. Leon, is this you or the vicoden posting?

Anonymous said...

"...the story is considered Sci-Fi, but really the whole focus of the [book] series is religion, politics and how they can be used to manipulate societies and power.... David Lynch tried making the story of Dune about spaceships and laser guns.... No character development, and the storyline seems secondary to making a weird sci-fi movie geared towards the post-Star Wars crowd."

thing is? in some ways Star Wars is pretty much "Dune Lite." besides being a mish-mash of various action/adventure styles, it's got this underlying Dune-ripoff stuff with the religion, political scheming, greco-shakespearean-operatragedy, the pimply space-prince who learns "whoa im the messiah?", etc. albeit a very simplistic rendition of it. Dune's more complex. but then that's prolly why it's folly to even bother doing a movie adaptation of Dune... they can tell maybe part of Dune's story in an entertaining way, but trying to shoehorn the whole thing into a movie or even a mini-series can't help but be either super-confusing or super-boring. i kinda think George Lucas had the right idea to just crib a few notes off of the Dune books rather than trying to match that kind of complexity.