Forget about it

Drinking crap for beer at River City Brewing Company

Starting a "talk about Charles" chant at Cesar Chavez park

Vowing never to eat at Luis Jr's ever again

Paying 3 dollars to drink beer and watch a crappy band at Fox n Goose

Feeling too crappy to play basketball the next morning

Feeling good enough to play Basketball in the afternoon

Getting frustrated at friends who get P. dubbed everytime they date someone

Winning a game of darts at Bon Lair

Trying to hit golf balls at the driving range late at night with good friends

Going kayaking at Lake Natomas

Eating hella good pizza at Chicago Fire

Getting sad about watching the last episode of Freaks and Geeks on DVD

Having tons of dogs and dawgs in my backyard

BBQing and beer drinking (and having my A's hat stolen by Charles)

Is anyone gonna go see Digable Planets at the Empire? I want to, but tickets are 25 a piece!



I'm not a fan at all of the Knockoffs, but I enjoyed Charles's email so much that I have to go to this.


Date: May 24, 2005 1:57 PM
Subject: This Firday

Hey Dudes,

This Friday, yours truely is playing drums in the KnockOffs at one of those Ceasar Cavez in the park shows.

For those of you who don't know, I am very good drummer and it would be worth checking me out this Friday.

Also PLaying are the Didley Sqauts and The Groovie Ghoulies. I won't be playing drums in either of those bands.

Show starts at 5pm. Knockoffs play second.




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Game ulteriorly of Didley Sqauts and Groovie Ghoulies. I transform the interior into the game of the interior of tamburi that I am not some of these sticky tapes there. Monster the beginning with the game of 5pm.

Knockoffs in the second station of the work.



"On the Y" show recap

neither the coldest nor the cheapest (we were near Loehmann's plaza afterall)

$2.75?!?!?!?! I tried a 4 dollar "sac brew". I liked it, Niki hated it.

Beforhand, Niki and I stopped by Taqueria Guadalajara and got pillow sized burritos

Mine was a little heavy on the lettuce side (and is still giving me stomach troubles the next day)

Chad Stockdale duo was cool. Crazy chaotic feedbacking sax running through a Rat pedal. I'm still trying to figure out how they both ended the songs on the exact same beat. Me likee.

There were hecka babes like this all over the bar!

Eat the People were pretty cool, but played too damn long for a 4 band bill on a weeknight.

Sexy Prison were waaaay better than I remember. Niki says she doesn't think JPs hotdog is kosher...wait...what is my wife doing looking at some other man's hotdog?!?! oh wait...we were all checking out his package. That's right. Definitely my favorite of the night.

...and a crowd pleaser.

It was my first time seeing the A-Frames live. Much more impressive live than on their recordings, but I still got bored after a while...and they didn't play "Hostage Crisis"

Charles's new myspace.com picture.

Dan...DON'T DO IT!!!

Obligatory puppy pic.

Oh I forgot to mention. Scott Soriano was DJing at the shows...using only (*GASP*) CDS!!! Talk about selling out.


I saw STAR WARS again last night. I gotta say, it still is the best of the three, but not as good the second time around. Of course the dialog was somewhat unnatural and drawn out in places. The only actor who seemed to pull it off was Ewan McGregor. It almost makes me think Hayden Christensen could be a good actor, given better writing, since I know Samuel Jackson is decent, yet comes across as a horrible actor in this movie as well. I felt that the story was rushed towards the end, like you were supposed to assume the last 15 minutes actually took place over a course of months or years.

Other than that...pretty cool.



I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast..

I love how they encourage employees to drink beer at my job. It really doesn't get any better.


This morning I tried that new "bagel shop" on 24th and B'way. The bagel I had was 'aight but it ha good cream-cheese. It was a little too cramped and chaotic with DMV workers for my taste.

What the hell happened to Noah's? Years ago I used to love that place, now it's barely mediocre. Also I noticed that over the years they've gone out of their way to de-Jewify the place. Fuckem'. Noah is a sell out.

The only decent bagels I can find in this town anymore are the Bella Brue (sp?) bagels you get at the co-op, although I kinda wish there was a place that would toast and schmear my bagel for me.


In the right line -> me

in the wong line ^ this poor kid

can I start a new Sacramento chant?


to replace the "JAR JAR BINKS..." chant?

though not.


It's been a long time...

Since a hip-hop jam gave me goosebumps
(note: first half is a bit corny...but keep listening)



Saw the LCD soundsystems last night. I wasn't too excited about the album and their singles seemed hit and miss with me (love "Give it Up"...they need more songs like that!), so I was hoping that they would make a better impression on me live. Nope. I gave LCD the three song rule (If you give a band you don't like off the bat three songs, and you still don't like them...it's ok to leave). !!! in their heyday (i.e. the Sacramento years) could pull off what LCD was doing way better. I just felt LCDs music wasn't going anywhere. Their music would be fun to dance to at a party, or listen to in the car, but to observe them live kind of gets tedious after a while (should have been stoned or something to "get it"). At least !!!s music would build up and go somewhere, which made them great to see live, drunk or sober.

Ok...time to get off the computer and go play BBALL!




[bloc] Party crashers
(sorry no pics today)

Last night I took a bunch of party photos at the Bon Lair, but failed to upload them for your viewing pleasure.

Niki and I went to meet Katy at BL, but wound up arriving first. We unexpectantly ran into a couple friends there anyhow and crashed their table. Eventually Katy showed up with Chris, and it wound up being one of those nights where everyone buys each other drinks, yet you wind up spending the same amount (if not more) than if you just bought all your own drinks. They have Hoogaarden back on tap, so that was my fluid of choice. I swear it's 100 times better on tap than from the bottle (and it's great from the bottle!). All I've been drinking the past week is homebrew, and it's great stuff, but the new flavors last night were a nice change of pace.

I made a pact with myself to go dry for two months as soon as the homebrew is gone. I'll take up fruit smoothie drinking or something instead.

I somehow acquired the nickname "Utah" Levy last night, which conjured up a picture of me with a mustache, dressed like a cowboy with spurs on my boots in the shape of the star of David.

On another note: Is it just me, or is that band Bloc Party overrated crap? I tried listening to the self proclaimed best album of 2005 "So Here We Are" a few times (listening right now actually), and it just comes across as plain annoying, poser dance punk crap. Every time someone argues with me about it, I put it on and give it another spin, but I think today I will officially be deleting their album from my iPod.


vague info

So did you hear that the TVPs are going playing somewhere in SF this summer? I'm going, but I'm gonna stand in the back the whole time and talk about how much better they were when I saw them in England.

Also, I heard of some secret surprise musical guest at a local show in Sacramento this week. All I am saying is...don't pass up seeing the Feeling if you find out they are playing a show somewhere soon. That is all I'm allowed to say.



I like this guy


All We Are Saying, is...

So I got on the Bluetooth/camera-phone bandwagon this week, but I'm still not half as hi-tech as Sabrina.

I took the above picture with my phone this morning on my walk with the dog. The SUV is parked on Alhambra between Q and R every weekday, so I was anticipating coming across it this morning so I could show off my new phone. If you click on the picture, it will enlarge and you will be able to make out the "AK47" license place and "Give War A Chance" bumper sticker a little more clearly.


Yo Ren...tellemwhereyafrom!!!

It's one of those days where I'm so glad to be an iPod owner. Best album to listen to when you are hating being at work: "Straight Outta Compton" by NWA.

Someone went through the painstaking task of taking out all the unexplicit lyrics...take a look! And if you are at work...be sure to turn up your speakers real loud ;)

Pretty much sounds like the dude with turret's on the on the other side of my cubicle.

Man I can't believe I was listening to this hardcore shit 6th-8th grade. And I freak out when Niki's 12 year old niece gets the new 50 cent CD for Christmas...I guess she'll turn out ok.