"I Love Commas"

This is one of my posts where a lash out with a personal attack at someone (and hope it all makes sense). It has "junior highness" immaturity written all over it, and to think, I'm almost a 30 year old accomplished gentleman of my own accord. Feel free to cringe at me possibly making an ass of myself, and please take a hint if it is about you.

Just to let everybody out there know, I'm horrible with names (as well as remembering a lot of other things). If I've met you once or twice (or even thrice) in my lifetime and you've never really made that much of an impression on me, and I run into you out in public somewhere at a later date, please do not take offence if I might not remember your name right away. Keep in mind, I will take offence, however, if you do not offer me a needed refresher course, cuz if you don't, I WILL eventually remember your name at a later date and associate it with that jerk who made me feel like a moron because she/he wouldn't tell me and made me feel bad about it.

But at least next time I see you, I'll remember, and I can call you by your name... which will be "that jerk so-and-so".

-Whatshisname Levy


Maya said...

I know who it was!

leon said...

you would know someone like that. give them a big long "boooooooo" for me.


Maya said...

I already did!

werenotdeep said...

Ah, gads! I hate that! Every time that happens to me, I always wish that something will happen like a fire hyrdant will explode and send the person hurling across the street, or a pack of wild dogs will appear from nowhere and attack them. Yeah, that whole "I didn't remember your first name" business seems real petty all of the sudden, doesn't it.

leon said...

Yeah. It was quite a whack experience, but I'm quite over it.