
people keep asking me how i liked the matrix revolutions, and this is what i keep saying:

matrix 1 - cool "ground braking" movie. makes you get all philosophical

matrix 2 - refresher course for those who haven't watched the matrix 1 in 5 years (a little repetitive of matrix 1)

matrix 3 - blow shit up

...and i liked it. apparently not everybody does.

if you are a big fan of the matrix, i suggest watching Tron and reading the sprawl series by william gibson (if you haven't already)

and i'm going to watch clone wars today, so i'll be cutting out of band practice early so i don't miss it! it's all about setting priorities.

for chris's birthday last night we went to the burbs and ate at fudruckers and krispy kreme. when i got home i wanted to puke!

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