clone wars sucked

i thought it was going to be a real cartoon, but it turns out that it's a 3 minute mini series (in 20 installments). it reminded me of conan o'brian's "60". about as worthless anyhow. the whole thing came across as the network's conspiracy to suck us star wars geeks into watching cartoon network (which i do enjoy at times. no need for trickery). following the 3 minute waist of my time was "pokemon the movie". i think cartoon network needs to do a bit more research in the demographic department.

saturday i went to ben's for some LAN gaming. one would say "leon, you spend all your weekdays in front of your computer. why would you waist your weekend doing the same?", well if i were reading email and surfin' the web, i would agree. we played some old school counterstike and opposing forces, drank beer, ate burritos. good times!

sunday i participated in a scavenger hunt for heather's birthday. it was fun running around downtown in the pouring rain. after it was all over, the scavenger hunt teams met up at dan and heather's house for food and drink. i came up with a new mixed drink: consume 5-6 beers, get a cup and fill it with a shot of vodka, walk around to the back patio looking for some mixers in the cooler, after coming up empty-handed, go back inside, but instead of opening the sliding glass door, just slam into it and get vodka all over your face and in your eyes. i call this drink the windex

me: "i got some vodka here"
mike: "oooh...nice! what did you mix it with?"
me: "my face"

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