this is the second day this week i have been disappointed with some of the food here at work. we have a huge cafeteria that serves everything from hamburgers, pizza, mexican food, chinese food, salad, soup... you name it, they have it. well today i saw that one of the soups-of-the day was split-pea, which is my all time favorite soup... wait a minute.. my ALL TIME FAVORITE FOOD! some people think that is strange, but i love the stuff, and i have converted many others to love it as well. anyways, today i went down to get a bowl of the cafeteria's tasty soup, but when i got there to check it out, it wasn't split pea soup. it was some kind of cream of split-pea soup, the kind that gives split pea soup a bad name. Imagine cream of broccoli, but instead of broccoli there are peas in it. sick. well i took one wif of that and decided to get a burrito instead.

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