Modern Medicine...Gotta Love It!!!!!
So after getting all the way up to being able to run 8 miles, my gout came back in a bad way, rendering me useless for over 3 weeks.
And just as my gouty foot started getting better, my normal foot starting being a bitch to me from standing on it weird. I was at my wits end. You have no idea of the pain I was in. It was to the point where I almost lost it mentally.
After Niki gave me a good slap to the face, looked me in the eye and firmly told me to "Be a man. Quit being such a big pussy and get over it!" life went on, and the pain seemed to subside over the next few days. Life was looking good. There were parties with magicians and a really great show happening over the up-and-coming weekend. Things were on the up-and-up.
Last Saturday came around and I was all geared up for being the exclusive guzzler of my giant bottle of Hitachino Red Rice Ale that I scored at Whole Foods along with two very large bottles of their "White Ale" which blows away all other whites and wits. Seriously..pick up a few bottles of the stuff if you ever come across it, and give me a call and let me now where you got it (if you live near me....or if you live in Japan and want to send me a bottle...Katy)...
Oh yeah... whining about my foot...
So I was over at the lovely Shanada and Bradnada residence Saturday and proceeded to devour my beer, a couple of Raske's and a Ham's sitting in our host's fridge (I couldn't help myself) and I was feeling pretty...pretty...good. I watched this amazing magician perform, and as I was sitting there witnessing levitating money and origami frogs jumping around, my gout just instantly came back hard core. I was down for the count yet again.
At this point I wanted to cut off both of my feet and get those cool prosthetics that amputees use to run with. That would solve everything.
Damn that's hot!
Finally Monday rolled around and I hobbled like an old man to my podiatrist (Dr Dawson at the Mercy Med Clinic...who rules). He proceeded to give me a shot of some stuff strait into the joint of my gouty big toe. It hurt like a mo-fo, but by the afternoon I was like "gout gout here...I don't know nuthin' about no gout!"
So this morning I packed my gym bag and I plan on putting in some mileage during lunch today, weather permitting.
The end...
OMG Leon that's horrible!!! I had no idea! You should have told me and I would have come over to try and make you feel better. I'm not sure what I would have done but it could have involved handstands and bad jokes! You poor thing!
I'm distracted now by all the magician talk and funnery, but I wanted to say - that's dedication for you! I am so impressed by your perseverance. I think you should celebrate by coming to FL and drinking the hell out of our corner store's stash of all that Japanese Owl beer. It's here a-plenty! Until you get here, keep off that poor gouty foot! We are thinking about you...xoxo - Heather
Sucks yo! I really wish I could send some Owl beer your way to make it all better, but I have yet to see it here! It's all Kirin and Asahi Super Dry. I've of course been in the fancy shops - and nothing!
However, there is a package enroute right now for Neon's birthday and hopefully something in there will cheer you up!
Better yet?
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