I miss my old band
As much as I enjoy playing quiet, cute music music with Baby Grand, every now and then I get nostalgic about the good ol' days of being in The Frenchmen. Where Baby Grand feels like a nice group of friendly people that get together to play music, The Frenchmen were more like a family. Even if we weren't playing shows or practicing, we were always hanging out, going record shopping together, getting wasted, causing havoc, having slumber parties at each other's house, fighting, hugging, touring the world, being super loud and at times annoyingly so.. I miss it!
I have the best memory of the first time I heard the Frenchmen record. I was riding around East Sac & it was probably Spring because it wasn't too hot yet & it was the kind of weather that always finds me riding around listening to good 80's pop & sort of getting in to that particular spirit again (which you could say is my true spirit since no other music makes me feel quite as good) & I was just thinking "man, i'm listening to my friends & it's making me feel a way that I usually have to dig back 20 years to feel!". It put me in the best mood - I felt really proud of you guys. When I found out you were going on that UK/Sweden tour I felt so strongly that it was a something I HAD to go on! I'm so glad you guys agreed to let me come along. I've been on a lot of REALLY fun trips - but that one was above & beyond. I still seem to think of some memory or another from that tour at least once a week. So yeah. I miss the Frencchmen too!
That is a great photo.
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